August & September 2022 Cross Connection Newsletter

A Letter from Pastor Frye

Dear Family and Friends of St. Luke, 

Grace and Peace to you. 

In anticipation of the months ahead, may we all take a moment to consider two possibilities? The first is a more intentional mutual ministry with one another in this congregation? If we are waiting for things to get back to the way they were before Covid, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment. I realize we live in a challenging time. There is much uncertainty and understandable anxiety. Yet, because we are the church, we are the Body of Christ that lives in the power of Resurrection. We are given new life! It is time to rise! 

Secondly, may we also open ourselves to the Holy Spirit and the opportunity of continuing collaboration with our friends and the family of faith of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fayetteville?  

Historically and recently, our congregations have worked together as good neighbors and faith communities entrusted with the care of shared territory and people. Cooperation is so much more befitting to the Body of Christ than competition. As has been previously reported, in the last year or so, significant attention has been given to working together and considering ways in which we might collaborate more effectively in the years ahead. It is time to continue this conversation in a broader and more intentional way. 

Toward that end, the church councils of both St. Paul and St. Luke have met together for an informal social time over breakfast. Together the councils have decided to plan a picnic and time of combined worship. On Saturday evening, September 10, we are all invited and encouraged to gather in the Outreach Center of St. Paul in Fayetteville for a picnic and conversation followed by Vespers. 

The vitality and sustainability of both congregations would benefit from some sort of ongoing collaboration and intentional organization. Most importantly, our shared witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ in this community would be a step closer to the oneness for which Christ prayed. We are all being called to a renewed openness and willingness. Let us explore together avenues of faithfulness. The only thing that may stand in the way is pride. 

May we continue to hold one another and the community we serve in prayer, that God’s grace would continue to give life, boldness, and hope to the Church and its ministry in the world that God so loves. 

In Christ’s love for you, 

Pastor Christopher Frye 

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Sundays and Special Days in August & September

Sunday, August 7: 9th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, August 14: 10th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, August 21: 11th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, August 28: 12h Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, September 4: 13th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, September 11: 14th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, September 18: 15th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, September 24: 16th Sunday after Pentecost

Summer Outdoor Services

Pavilion #3 in Greene Township Park
Saturday, August 20 at 6 p.m.

Sunday Worship Services

  • 10 a.m. every Sunday
  • In-person and online

Wednesday Healing Services

We have a weekly service of Prayer, Healing, and Holy Communion every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday Prayer Service

Prayer & Share via Zoom meets Wednesday evenings at 5:00 p.m. Please check weekly announcements for
connection information.

Hearing Assist Now Available During Worship

  • Do you have hearing aids that are Bluetooth enabled?  
  • Do you not have hearing aids but would like to wear a headphone system to help boost your hearing during worship?  
  • Do you not have hearing aids but need a little boost with sound anyway?

All three options are now available!  Please catch Shelly Davies before or after service for more information.


Parish Records


James Luke Pattishall, June 10

Nash Reese Piper, June 11


James Luke Pattishall, July 17


Marilyn Foore, July10

New Members

Terry and Carol Angstadt

Becky Grove and Jayden

Sue Osterman

Card Showers

If you’d like to request a special card shower for a special someone, please reach out  to the office at St. Luke!

If interested in sending cards to new members, I have their address labels already clipped in packs for on the table outside of Nave. You can add them to your Church directory.

If you need an address for other occasions, births, baptisms, special birthdays, or anniversaries or just to let someone know you’re thinking of them please call or email Christine at Church office.


Confidential prayer requests can be made online:



Blessing of the Backpacks

All students and teachers, join us Sunday, August 28 during worship to say a prayer over your backpack, or just you, as you start back for the new school year. Bring your backpack to church with you!


VBS this year happened during the week of July 25-29.  We had 12 students, 2 teens helpers and 7 adults! Our theme this year was doing things “The Jesus Way.” We learned each day about how to feed, forgive, love, serve and pray for others, turning the world upside down for Christ!

All Saints Confirmation Camp

In June, two students from our St. Paul family attended confirmation camp at Camp Nawakwa, along with Pastor Frye and Shelly Davies. The week was an incredible time of hands-on learning and growing in faith and knowledge.  The theme this year encompassed the verse, “Though the sorrow may last for the night, His joy comes in the morning.” – Psalm 30:5

Camp Nawakwa

A few students from our St. Paul family attended Camp Nawakwa this summer for a week!

Adult Faith Formation

We will take a break during the month of August and the first week of September – no Faith Formation classes for adults.  Join us again September 11 for our Faith Formation Kick Off – a celebration for all ages! At 8:45 am in the Fellowship Hall. September 18 & 25 we will study the Lectionary.

October — The basics: Luther’s Catechism, part ll  with Pastor Frye.


Summer Singers

The Summer Singers did one of their four summer performances at St. Luke on July 13 to a full house. Thanks for your support!

Citizenship Celebration

Thank you all for your love and encouragement to Velegai, Lorpu and Christina at their Citizenship Celebration Picnic.  It was great to have so many of our St. Luke family present!

Garden Overflow Collection

Vegetable and fruit collection is continuing throughout the summer each Friday at 10:00am in the church parking lot.  We will continue to collect and donate through September.  We will NOT collect on August 5 or 12.  Thank you for understanding.

Local Partnerships & Sweet Grace Ministries

Ongoing connection with local organizations is one of the best ways we can affect our community.  Last year for a project we partnered with a local organization called Sweet Grace Ministries who serve grieving families after the loss of a child.  We provided physical support by making over 500 cards for them, and as well we raised some money.  Through the year, they called and welcomed us back to help with cards again.  And now, a year later, we will have the opportunity to help them out once again!  Wednesday, August 24 at 9:00 am, we will meet at their offices to help make their Christmas cards.  No experience necessary!  Volunteers with neat handwriting are also needed to help write messages in the cards.  This can be done at home if you can’t make it out on Wednesday.  If you’d like to help either way, please sign up on the Bulletin Board at church or contact Shelly Davies.

Congregation, Council, Committees



  • Walk-Fahnestock Scholarship applications due by the end of May.
  • A wireless microphone for the choir, is being purchased.
  • Monthly giving down 7.35% from May of last year.
  • The Personal Committee continues to advesrtise for a Choir Director.
  • The concrete for the walk for Memorial Garden and the Nave front exit door should be completed in July.
  • A $500 gift was given to the SpiriTrust Benevolent Fund.


  • The Church audit has been completed with no issues.
  • The Walk-Fahnestock Scholarships totaling $45,000 were gifted and the recipients are:
    • Sam Spiese
    • Scott Pettyjohn
    • Jake Corwell
    • Stephen Pettyjohn
    • Rowan Frye
  • The Church website is being renovated.
  • Giving is down 4.7% from June of last year, however this was an increase of 2.65% over last month. The
  • giving for the month of July is reported as being significantly increased.
  • A $5,000 bequest from Wayne Criswel has been received.
  • We continue to search for a Choir Director. One had been interviewed but moved to another city. A new candidate has contacted us and arrangements are being made to interview that person.
  • Social Ministry is sponsoring several projects: Personal Care Kits, Aid for Ukrainian refugees, and the Swing Project for the Kandete Parish.
  • There was no Council Meeting in July

Family & Youth Education

Coming Soon… Faith Formation Kickoff Sunday! Plan now to attend. September 11th at 9:00 a.m. Come join the fun as we begin a new year of Faith Formation classes for children and adults. We’ll begin in the Fellowship Hall with a few activities together and enjoy light refreshments. If you have questions, contact Shelly Davies, Director of Education and Outreach.

Special Summer Updates

Notebooks for CASHS Students

We have an immediate need for a few items. We’re looking for new or used 3-ring binders as well as new spiral notebooks.  Please donate them in the marked box in the hallway next to the Keypad door, by August 14. Thanks!

Birds & Flowers

A big thank you to St. Luke for helping to beautify the courtyard area in the Skilled Care section at Luther Ridge.  Last summer, flower pots and bird feeders were installed to try to attract some birds.  Now, a year later, we can’t keep the feeders full!  Enjoy a few pictures of the flowers now.  Thank you to Bob Kane for seeing a need and bringing it to our attention.  What an easy, but great way to be a blessing to our neighbors! 


St. Luke provides weekend meal packs for approximately 80 children from our three local elementaries, Fayetteville, Guildford Hills and Scotland.  We partner with Mt. Pleasant UBC and provide meals every other month, weekly.  You can help by donating individually wrapped items or by joining us in the Fellowship Hall weekly (every other month) to pack bags.  Look for more information about dates and times, as well as what to donate on the Bulletin Board at church.

Local Partnerships & Sweet Grace Ministries

Ongoing connection with local organizations is one of the best ways we can affect our community.  Last year for a project we partnered with a local organization called Sweet Grace Ministries who serve grieving families after the loss of a child.  We provided physical support by making over 500 cards for them, and as well we raised some money.  Through the year, they called and welcomed us back to help with cards again.  And now, a year later, we will have the opportunity to help them out once again!  Wednesday, August 24 at 9:00 am, we will meet at their offices to help make their Christmas cards.  No experience necessary!  Volunteers with neat handwriting are also needed to help write messages in the cards.  This can be done at home if you can’t make it out on Wednesday.  If you’d like to help either way, please sign up on the Bulletin Board at church or contact Shelly Davies.

Free Family Photos at the Sunflower Fields

Interested in a photo at the local sunflower fields once they’re in bloom in September?  Families, couples, individuals….contact Shelly Davies to set up an appointment.  She will take your photos and give you the digital files within a week. It is recommended that you leave a donation for the sunflower growers for our use of their beautiful flowers! 

Garden Overflow Collection

Vegetable and fruit collection is continuing throughout the summer each Friday at 10:00am in the church parking lot.  We will continue to collect and donate through September.  We will NOT collect on August 5 or 12.  Thank you for understanding.


Visit our online calendar for the most current updates to meetings, events, and services.


2695 Luther Drive, Chambersburg, PA 17202
[email protected]

Facebook: @StLukeChburg

Instagram: @stlukechburg

Twitter: @stlukechburg
