Power Packs

Thanks to the support received from St. Luke, the first month we were responsible for Power Packs (March), went well, and the food was very much appreciated by the students at Fayetteville Elementary. We will be providing weekly bags of food for the month of May. Most of the food items will be purchased, but the congregation is asked to bring in applesauce cups or fruit cups to be included in the bags each week. In the back hallway is a tub marked Power Packs, in which to put your donations. Monetary donations can also be designated for Power Packs to the office or in the offering plates.
We are providing 20 children with the weekend bags of food, but expect that number to increase in the next school year.

Thank you for your continued support of needy children in this part of the Chambersburg School District. Hunger is a basic need which can lead to many other problems. The love of Christ is given with each can of pasta, each juice box, and each snack. Knowing that someone cares if you have food gives hope to the families and puts smiles on the faces of the children.

Outreach Team