Constitution and Bylaws
A Constitution and Bylaws Committee will be jointly appointed by the pastor and Congregation Council. Its purpose is to ensure that the congregation constitution and bylaws and continuing resolutions are periodically reviewed and maintained consistent with the latest version of the “Model Constitution for Congregations” adopted by churchwide assemblies of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. One member of the committee should be a member of the Congregation Council.
The Constitution and Bylaws Committee is assigned the responsibilities for:
- Meeting periodically, at times designated by the Congregation Council to review the congregation constitution and bylaws and continuing resolutions for consistency with existing organization structures and compatibility with the most recent version of the “Model Constitution for Congregations”;
- Considering changes to the congregation constitution and bylaws and continuing resolutions as recommended by the congregation and the council;
- Insuring recommended changes are consistent with congregation structures and policies and are compatible with the latest version of the “Model Constitution for Congregations”;
- Recommending to the Congregation Council to formally approve or disapprove the proposed changes and providing a discussion of the recommendation. Changes recommended for formal approval will be accompanied with proposed wording and paragraph placement within the congregation constitution and bylaws document; and
- Recruitment of committee members as may be needed.