Social Ministry Committee
Purpose Statement: The purpose of the Social Ministry Committee is to consider and recommend global, national, and local mercy projects and organizations for benevolent giving.
Meeting Time: 1st Monday at 4:00 pm/flexible
What We Do: We distribute budgeted funds to meet needs globally and locally, such as Emergency Needs Clearing House, BOPIC, Inc., South Mountain Restoration Center, and Lutheran Disaster Response.
We also lift up projects to members of the congregation for giving beyond the budget, such as Lutheran World Relief kits, ELCA World Hunger, Chambersburg Homeless Connection and Homeless Shelter, YMCA Sam’s Program, Chambersburg Refugee Resettlement Committee, our yearly “God’s Work. Our Hands.” project, and the Kandete Parish.
Our committee vets all recipients of donations.
Committee Head: Marty Brendle; [email protected]
Committee Liaison to the Council: Charles Davies; [email protected]