Worship and Music Committee
Purpose Statement: The purpose of the Worship and Music Committee is to organize the worship services, coordinate roles and participants in worship so that the worship flows, revives, refreshes, and renews us spiritually.
Meeting Time: as called/needed at 6:30 pm Monday
What We Do: We are responsible for setting the tone of the worship services through the atmosphere, music, and word in our services. We provide special music as well as a choir, flowers, and special services in the park and at St. Luke. We are also responsible for scheduling all the Worship helpers: Altar Guild (sets up the altar for the Pastor before the service and cleans up afterwards), Acolyte (lights the candles or carries the cross and assists during Communion), Lector (reads scripture during the service), Assisting minister (assists the Pastor during service), Greeter (greets people as they enter the church), Usher – hand out the bulletins as people enter the sanctuary, and Offering Counters.
Committee Head: Bob Huss; [email protected]
Committee Liaison to the Council: Joy Shinn