St. Luke Staff
The faithful work of personnel help give life to the ministry of St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church. Click on each of the staff members’ names below to see their image and bio.
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17, NRSV
Pastor Christopher Frye

Pastor Frye loves being a pastor and sharing his experience of God’s transforming grace in Christ through preaching, teaching, and individual conversations of spiritual direction. Originally from Lebanon, Pennsylvania, Pastor Frye was ordained in 1997 and has served congregations in Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, and Fairfield, Pennsylvania, before accepting the call as Pastor to St. Luke in 2013. He holds a BA in Religion from Lebanon Valley College, studied at the Pennsylvania College of Art and Design in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and earned a Masters of Divinity from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. He completed his Clinical Pastoral Education at the University of Chicago and Pastoral Internship at Dr. Martin Luther Church in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. Prior to entering seminary, he worked as Administrator of College Collections at Lebanon Valley College. Pastor Frye and his wife Heidi have three children, Isabelle, Gabriel, and Rowan. He enjoys gardening, woodworking, going to the gym, having a sense of humor and good coffee. His blog is
Parish Administrator, Shelly Davies

Shelly grew up in Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland. She graduated from Radford University with a degree in Elementary education with concentrations in Special Education and Math. She worked for a year with students with severe disabilities as well as working with a local campus ministry discipling adults. She joined Mercy Ships, an international medical mission using ships to bring hope and healing to the world’s forgotten poor, in 1999. There she met her husband Charles and they were married in 2001. Shelly taught in the Academy on board as well as helping in other areas of service including children’s programs, event planning and orphanage work. Shelly and Charles took a short break from 2003-2006 and lived in Harrisburg and Dillsburg where they started a family and had Sean and Luke. In 2007 they rejoined the work of Mercy Ships and served on the Africa Mercy from 2008-2018. They settled in Chambersburg in late 2018 and are glad to be fellowshipping with St. Luke. Shelly loves to travel, be artistic and do anything that involves being outside.
Organist, Sherry Fahnestock

Sherry Fahnestock serves as the church organist, pianist and choir accompanist here at St. Luke. She was baptized here at St. Luke as an infant. Her family transferred their membership to First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chambersburg when she was seven. It was there that she had her first experience as a church musician – she served as accompanist for the children’s choir. In 1985 she was invited back to St. Luke as the church organist. Sherry studied organ and piano under Mrs. Ora Hare who was organist for Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Church in Chambersburg. She loves to play the piano and while she enjoys many styles of music, classical music is her favorite. She also enjoys reading, spending time with family and traveling with her husband, Steve. Together they have three grandsons who are keeping them young.
Choir Director, James Martin

James is a successful performing, recording, and teaching artist living in Carlisle, PA. He currently serves as the coordinator of the Voice Studio and program at Dickinson College. He has sung opera, concert, and musical theatre on 4 continents and is featured on five commercial recordings. He is currently finishing his second solo recording that features the art music of Black American composers, from western classical to Blues and avant-garde Be-bop. James has traveled extensively as an adult and in his formative years as the youngest in an Air Force family of 6. Although born in Omaha, he considers Mississippi and Illinois as his two “homes” even though he lived for many years in NYC studying at The Juilliard School, singing at Trinity Episcopal Church on Wall Street, and beginning his professional solo career. James has served in churches throughout his adult life as either a chorister/soloist, choir director, or education director. Most recently, he served as Director of Music and Creative Arts at Wells United Methodist in Jackson, MS. In addition to the arts and teaching, his passions include cooking, creative fiction, dogs, and gaming.
Office Assistant – Whitney Waters
Custodian, Vanessa Hepfer

While Vanessa recently began serving as custodian for our congregation, she certainly is well-known as a faithful worshipper and active participant in the life of the congregation. She has been a member for many years. She grew up in Chambersburg and finds it rewarding to pursue her interest in local historical and genealogical research. Vanessa is actively engaged in the weekly rhythm of worship, fellowship, and service as she serves as acolyte, crucifer, lector, and assisting minister. She enjoys knitting, caring for her “four-legged children” – her dogs Molly and Dolly, and following the Baltimore Orioles.
Treasurer, Brian Corwell

Coming Soon!
Financial Secretary, Shelly Davies

Shelly grew up in Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland. She graduated from Radford University with a degree in Elementary education with concentrations in Special Education and Math. She worked for a year with students with severe disabilities as well as working with a local campus ministry discipling adults. She joined Mercy Ships, an international medical mission using ships to bring hope and healing to the world’s forgotten poor, in 1999. There she met her husband Charles and they were married in 2001. Shelly taught in the Academy on board as well as helping in other areas of service including children’s programs, event planning and orphanage work. Shelly and Charles took a short break from 2003-2006 and lived in Harrisburg and Dillsburg where they started a family and had Sean and Luke. In 2007 they rejoined the work of Mercy Ships and served on the Africa Mercy from 2008-2018. They settled in Chambersburg in late 2018 and are glad to be fellowshipping with St. Luke. Shelly loves to travel, be artistic and do anything that involves being outside.
Assistant Financial Secretary, Terry Angstadt

Terry was born into a Pennsylvania “Dutch (German) family in Berks County, PA. With the exception of four very formative teenage years in California, Terry lived in Boyertown, PA; went to the Good Shepherd Reformed Church there and graduated from Boyertown High School. He was educated at the United States Air Force Academy, Temple University School of Medicine, and Tulane School of Public Health. He served as a Pediatric Intern, Flight Surgeon, Preventative Medicine Physician, Family Physician, and as Deputy Command Surgeon and Director of Base Medical Services. After 20 years in the USAF, he worked as a Family Physician in Waynesboro, Bloomsburg, and Shippensburg, PA. Along the way, he volunteered as a Cub Scout Den Leader, YMCA Board Member, 4 & 5 Grade Sunday School teacher, Deacon, Elder, and Church Council President. He also played trumpet for church praise teams and the Shippensburg and New Holland Bands. He and his wife Carol are now retired and live in the Menno Haven Community in Chambersburg, PA. In 2021 they were introduced to St. Luke by their dear friends, Craig & Glenna Heckert; they are thankful to be part of the Body of Christ here.
Terry’s favorite verse is “Remind me each morning of your constant love, for I put my trust in you. My prayers go up to you, show me the way I should go.” Psalm 143:8
Communications Consultant, Staci Grimes

Staci joined St. Luke in 2017, after getting to know Pastor and Heidi at a different area Lutheran church. She helps provide strategic guidance in the area of communications. Staci is a double-alum from Penn State and works for Gettysburg College. She and her husband, Dave, live just south of Carlisle.