April 2023 Cross Connection

A Letter from Pastor Frye

Dear Family and Friends of St. Luke,

A friend of mine recently remarked that he had seen a post on social media announcing an event by our congregation, St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church. He asked me what the meaning of the word Evangelical is in our name. It was a legitimate question coming from a place of curiosity, but I could not help feeling a bit caught in a dilemma. Do I just give him a straightforward answer, or do I go into the whole history of the use, misuse, and confusion surrounding the word Evangelical? I took the middle road and acknowledged that the word evangelical carries significant baggage, but simply put, the term evangelical derives from the Greek word euangelion meaning “gospel” or “good news.”

A 2015 article in The Atlantic by Jonathan Merritt tackles the word Evangelical. The article notes that “according to the Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals at Wheaton College outside of Chicago, Martin Luther first used the Latinized form of the word evangelical to describe the non-Catholic churches birthed by the Protestant Reformation in the 1500s.”

But the term largely took hold in the English-speaking world more than a century later during the Great Awakening, a series of revivals in Britain and the American colonies led by fiery preachers such as Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield. Because of their influence, evangelicalism became a synonym for revivalism, or a fervent expression of Christianity marked by an emphasis on converting outsiders. Today, the word Evangelical also describes a political perspective or voting block on the conservative and largely far right side of the spectrum.

In our name, as the word comes after “St. Luke” and before “Lutheran Church” it is at the center, suggesting that the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ ought to be the center of our lives. My friend’s inquiry provides a timely example of a perennial question. It was a good reminder to me to consider again what is in a name.

As we live these remaining days of the Lenten season and enter the deliberate cadence of Holy Week, may we take the time to ground ourselves in what stands at the center of our life as a congregation, the evangelion, the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. If that is not the center — if Christ is not the center of our life — then one could argue that we need a course correction or reorientation. The good news is that repentance and forgiveness is the first and lasting message proclaimed for all to hear. May we take time to listen and respond to the amazing grace so freely given as we gather at the foot of the cross in the weeks ahead.

In Christ’s love for you,

Pastor Frye

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Sundays and Special Days

April 2: Palm Sunday / Sunday of the Passion

We begin this week that stands at the center of the church year, anticipating the completion of God’s astounding work.

April 6: Maundy Thursday

This evening our Lenten observance comes to an end, and we gather with Christians around the world to celebrate the Three Days of Jesus’ death and resurrection. 

April 7: Good Friday

We depart silently, and we anticipate the culmination of the Three Days in the Easter Vigil.

April 9: Resurrection of our Lord, Easter Sunday

We sing hymns of praise, gather around sacred words, and proclaim God’s faithfulness, power, and love in the feast of holy communion.

April 16: Second Sunday of Easter

The risen Jesus will return to us again and again.

April 23: Third Sunday of Easter

The story of Emmaus becomes the pattern of our worship each Lord’s day.

April 30: Fourth Sunday in Easter

The risen Christ opens the way to abundant life.

Sunday Worship Services

10 a.m. every Sunday, In-person and online

Wednesday Healing Services

We have a weekly service of Prayer, Healing, and Holy Communion every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. This
simple service is a great way to connect with a smaller group of people in a supportive environment.

Wednesday Prayer Service

Prayer & Share via Zoom will resume April 12 @ 7:00 p.m.

Holy Week

Special opportunities during the week:

Maundy Thursday, 7:00 p.m. service

Good Friday; 7:00 p.m. Tenebrae service; Chapel open for personal prayer 8 a.m.—8:30 p.m.

Kids Easter Celebration; Saturday 10:00 a.m.

Easter Sunday; Breakfast @ 8:30 a.m., Worship with special music @ 10:00 a.m.


Support Group Update

Luther Ridge AA Meetings are held on Mondays at noon in Fellowship Hall.

Pastoral visits

If you or a loved one desire a pastoral visit for any reason, please contact Pastor Frye (717-253-0322).
Also, please notify the Church office if you are hospitalized or are anticipating surgery (717-261-1213)

Adopt A Highway

First Adopt-a-Highway event for the year! Please contact Rick Lawver in advance to tell him you’d like to help so he can organize the crews. Arrive at St. Luke on April 29 at 8 a.m. sharp. Each crew (1-3 people) cleans about 1 mile of one side of the road. It takes about an hour (on average) to
cover this distance.  Anyone 12 years old or older may participate. If you have any questions, please contact Rick Lawver (rllawver@comcast.net)

Prayer Requests

Confidential prayer requests can be made online: StLukeChambersburg.org/connect

Card Showers

If you’d like to request a special card shower for a special someone, please reach out to the office at St. Luke!



The Lower Susquehanna Synod offers retreats throughout the year for middle school and high school students, but what about after that? 

Well, they’ve heard the question and have just started (January 2023) a new group that meets to fellowship and learn together. NEXT is a faith-based community of adults(18-35ish) that exists to support and care for each other as they navigate life together. Are you looking for a community where you can be yourself, share conversation, a meal, and wrestle with the questions of life and faith? We celebrate, mourn, laugh, and cry as we walk through our trials and joys.  (18-35ish) that exists to support and care for each other as they navigate life together.  Join us to explore what’s NEXT?

Check them out on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/LSSNEXT or Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/next_lss/

Adult Faith Formation Upcoming

April 2 No Faith Formation

April 9 – Easter Breakfast @8:30 am – All are invited!!

April 16 – Speaking the Truth in Love

April 23, 30 – The Revelation to John 

May 7, 14, 21, 28 & June 4 & 11 – Biblical Stewardship;

Revelation Continued

Like the overview of Revelation and want to go deeper?  Join us Sunday afternoons May 7, 21 and June 4, 11, 18 and 25 following worship for lunch and study. Taught by Rev. Michael Brendle

Camperships Available!!

Are your children (or you-there are adult camps too!) interested in attending camp this summer at Camp Nawakwa or Camp Kirchenwald?  If so, camperships (scholarships) are available.  Contact Shelly Davies for more information!


Easter Breakfast

Join us at 8:30am for an Easter breakfast! No need to bring anything other than your family and your appetite!

Kids Easter Celebration

April 8 at 10am, St. Luke, in partnership with St. Paul, will be hosting a kid’s event for all ages.  The festivities will include a craft, snacks, fellowship, games and a giant egg hunt.  All ages are invited! 

1st Lutheran Spring Fling

We are collecting spring and summer clothing to be given away to our local community on May 6.  Drop off clean, gently used clothing for all ages as well as sheets and blankets, to the marked container by the Keypad door between now and April 23.  If you are interested in volunteering at the give-a-way, please contact Shelly Davies for more information.

St. Luke Workday

All are invited, Saturday, April 22 from 9am-12pm, to join us at the church to help with a few projects.  We have projects for all ages and abilities – sitting & standing. Project examples are deep cleaning the kitchen, weeding the garden & flower beds, organizing cupboards, etc.  Please join us for these three hours to organize and maintain this wonderful facility God has given us!

Shelly Davies – Director of Education and Outreach diredu@stlukechambersburg.org; 717-372-9579

Congregation, Council, Committees


· We have purchased a new computer for the Director of Education & Outreach at a cost of $1,199.99.

· The Personnel committee has began a search for a Financial Secretary and Assistant Financial Secretary to replace our retiring Financial Secretary.

· Our giving for February is down 20.86% over the same period last year.

· A portion of Memorial gift and Bequest money was directed to pay down our pledge to SpiriTrust. Ceiling repairs in the library and hall have been completed.

· The wood timbers at the front entrance will be sanded, stained and sealed against ultra-violet (sun) light at a cost of $2,750.00.

· The Stewardship Team is discussing how to expand our giving base

Finance Committee

St. Luke Budgeted Income vs. Budgeted Expenses

Currently St Luke has a $22,122.80 deficit for the Budget for 2023 through February.