February 2023 Cross Connection

A Letter from Pastor Frye

Dear Family and Friends of St. Luke, 

+ Grace and Peace. 

Given the frequency of announcement emails from the church office and those available on Sunday mornings in print and electronically, I sometimes wonder if the traditional cover letter from the pastor on the monthly newsletter is of any avail. I trust you will let me know if my curiosity has any credence. Meanwhile, below are a few highlights from my annual report to the congregation: 

SpiriTrust Lutheran 

My term of service as a member of the Board of Directors of SpiriTrust Lutheran has ended. While I no longer am involved in leadership, we continue to be good stewards of our relationship with the agency. We can look forward to the further development of the Luther Ridge Campus and the new residents moving into the community. 


Incorporating new members and activating current members remains a significant challenge for us moving forward. We enjoy very generous and faithful financial support from many and various sources. What is increasingly difficult is identifying those with the spiritual gifts, time, and willingness to serve in the many and various capacities and positions in the life of our congregation. More and more, fewer people are “doing the things’ ‘ that need to be done. May we all prayerfully consider how the Holy Spirit is activating our God-given gifts in service with the Body of Christ. 

Thank You 

I remain grateful for your support and faithfulness as a congregation. It is a pleasure to serve as your pastor. I continue to covet your prayers for me as I am keenly aware of my reliance on strength and grace afforded me through God’s love.  You are part of that!  I need your help and your prayers. Meanwhile, I pray for you, your families, and our life together.  May God continue to equip us with what we need to be effective witnesses in the years to come. 

 Peace and all Good! 

Pastor Frye 

You can view or print this month’s newsletter with graphics by clicking here.

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Sundays and Special Days

2023 Lenten Services

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, February 22 @ 7:00 p.m.

St. Luke Lutheran, Chambersburg, Pastor Christopher Frye

Inheritance of the Faith

Wednesday, March 1 @ 7:00 p.m.

Calvary United Methodist, Fayetteville; Pastor Kraig Faust; Offering to benefit: Mission Central

Perseverance & Endurance

Wednesday, March 8 @ 7:00 p.m.

St. Luke Lutheran, Chambersburg; Pastor Robin Baer; Offering to benefit: Sweet Grace Ministries

Faithful in Prayer

Wednesday, March 15 @ 7:00 p.m.

Quincy United Methodist, Quincy; Pastor Bill Smith; Offering to benefit: Heart & Soles

Striving for Justice

Wednesday, March 22 @ 7:00 p.m.

Otterbein United Methodist, Fayetteville; Pastor Susan Snyder; Offering to benefit: Women in Need

Dying & Rising with Christ

Wednesday, March 29 @ 7:00 p.m.

St. Paul Lutheran, Fayetteville; Pastor Christopher Frye; Offering to benefit: Little Daisy’s Closet

Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 2 @ 10:00 a.m.

St. Luke Lutheran, Chambersburg; Pastor Christopher Frye

Maundy Thursday

Thursday, April 6 @ 7:00 p.m.

St. Luke Lutheran, Chambersburg; Pastor Christopher Frye

Good Friday

Friday, April 7 @ 7:00 p.m. 

St. Luke Lutheran, Chambersburg; Pastor Christopher Frye

Easter Sunday

Sunday, April 9 @ 10:00 a.m

St. Luke Lutheran, Chambersburg; Pastor Christopher Frye

Sunday Worship Services

10 a.m. every Sunday; In-person and online                       

Wednesday Healing Service

We have a weekly service of Prayer, Healing, and Holy Communion every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. This simple service is a great way to connect with a smaller group of people in a supportive environment.

Wednesday Prayer Service

Prayer & Share starting at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays. You can get the link in the announcements or on the homepage of the website.


Parish Records

Death: John Hull; Funeral to be held Sunday, April 23 @3:00 p.m.

New Members

We will be receiving new members into the church on February 19. If you or someone you know is interested in joining or just finding out what we’re about, contact Pastor Frye or Shelly Davies.

Support Group

Luther Ridge AA Meetings have resumed on Mondays at noon in Fellowship Hall.


Martin Luther, renewer of the church, died 1546

Though he began his adult church life as a simple Augustinian monk, Luther challenged the abuses he saw in the church, and his work eventually led to the Protestant Reformation. Luther’s accomplishments included liturgical reform, translation of the Bible, and creation of the Small and Large Catechisms.


This past year we have donated  to many groups in our local and Christian community. Please take a moment to read a few of the thank you letters and notes we received . They are on the middle bulletin board  on the left in the hall.


Adult Faith Formation

Everyone is invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall at 8:45 a.m. each Sunday! 

Special Guest Speakers in February!! 

 February 5   Camp’s Not Just for Kids!  

Special guest speaker, Michael Youse, will share about the ministry of the Lutheran Camping Corporation, focusing on adult programming. 

February 12  PowerPack Impact 

Special guest speaker AnneMarie McCollum-Begley, counselor from Scotland Elementary, will join us to share about the impact that our PowerPack program (weekend meals) has on the children. 

February 19 Christian Community Development Association. Pastor Frye will share about his trip to the Christian Community Development Association conference last autumn. 

February 26 – April 2   40 Days of Giving Lenten Study 


Kid’s Lent Activity Bags

Lent Activity Bags are on their way for all children through Grade 6.  Keep an eye out on your front porch during February for their arrival!  Any grandparents interested in a bag for their visiting grandkids around Easter, let Shelly know. 

Winterfest 2023

The Lower Susquehanna Synod’s 30th anniversary of Winterfest happened in January.  St. Luke was represented by youth Luke Davies, along with Director of Education & Outreach, Shelly Davies. The event held at the Lancaster Wyndham Resort & Conference Center was attended by around 200 people. Shelly was able to lead two workshops on Saturday, focusing on Art and how God created us.  Luke says, “I enjoyed Winterfest. I especially liked the Art elective where I was able to make some creative work.” 


Souper Bowl of Caring

Dig out your favorite sports jersey and start collecting your change now for our annual Souper Bowl of Caring collection on February 12. Souper Bowl of Caring is based on the premise, “What if everyone watching the Super Bowl donated $1 towards hunger?” Our collection will go to help a local foodbank. 

Wear your favorite sports team jersey to church, the children will collect the change in soup pots during worship (the more change the noisier!), and then join us for 2nd Sunday Fellowship after worship with fun ‘football themed’ foods. 

2nd Sunday Fellowship

Don’t forget to invite a friend to church, and then join us following worship service for the start of your football celebrations!  Our 2nd Sunday snacks will have a football theme to them.  Come see the fun! 

Hats, Gloves & Scarves

During the month of January, we collected hats, gloves, and scarves to donate to St. Paul in Fayetteville and 1st Lutheran in Chambersburg. What we collected, along with 1st Lutheran and Little Daisy’s Closet, were draped over 1st Lutheran’s fence during MLK weekend and were quickly taken by those in need. Thank you for your donations.

Congregation, Council, Committees


Janaury Council Highlights

· The regular giving for the month of December was up 2.22%.

· The new council for 2023 met on Monday January 23 and elected officers for this year as follows:

              President – Bob Huss

              Vice President – Brad Bolinger

              Secretary – JoAnn Wildeson

              Treasurer – Brian Corwell

· As required by our constitution, the council appointed a committee to audit the financial records of the church.

· The constitution requires that three persons be appointed to the audit committee and not more than one shall come from the church council.

· The persons appointed are: Toby Forrester; Norma Huss and Joy Shinn. Joy is the council appointment.

· The council voted to use some funds from the Mao and Toma memorial gifts and the Criswell bequest to help pay down the $10,000. pledge to Spiritrust.

· This will help to relieve some burden from current giving.

· A Memorials & Bequests Task Force has been appointed to develop and refine an official policy on Memorial & Bequest gifts to the congregation.

· This task force is also working on revising our Memorial Garden and Columbarium policies and fee schedule.

· On January 29th following worship, there will be an informational session for anyone interested in learning more about Stephen Ministry.

· The mortgage balance is $175,649.39.

· This year the finance committee will be including a financial update in the newsletter

· The annual leadership retreat will be Saturday morning, January 28, beginning at 9:00 am.

Stewardship Team 

Following an extended period of inactivity in the area of intentional stewardship ministry, the congregational council approved the formation of a Stewardship Team. The team currently consists of the following members:  Tom Eifert, Kathryn Gauthier, Ellen Kroepil, Karl Schreiner, Heidi Frye, Bob Huss, and Pastor Frye.  The team has been meeting consistently for several months and has done so in consultation with Craig Loscalzo, Ph.D. of CAL Assoc. LLC.  (Craig was our consultant for the 2020 Vision Capital Campaign when he worked with Generis Consulting.)  

The Stewardship Team is currently working on developing a Giving Impact Report for the congregation. In addition, a major emphasis of this team will be to re-envision what it means for the congregation to use the word “Stewardship” without the assumption that it only refers to financial resources. A comprehensive and coordinated Stewardship Strategy will be developed and implemented this year.  This will be a major emphasis of the Annual Leadership Retreat on January 28, 2023. 

 Memorials and Bequests Task Force 

Upon recommendation of the Church Council President, the Church Council appointed the following members to serve on the Memorials and Bequests Task Force:  Tom Eifert, Kathryn Gauthier, Tina Sanders, Cheryl Vorhauer, Richard Foster, and Pastor Frye.  This Task Force has met two times and will continue to meet on a regular basis until its task is completed (likely Spring of 2023).   

 The major task is the development and refinement of an official policy on Memorial and Bequest Gifts to the congregation.  The new policy will outline clear procedures and responsibilities related to the receipt, recording, reporting, acknowledgement, and utilization of funds. The revision of our Memorial Garden and Columbarium policies and fee schedule is also being proposed by this group. This task force reports directly to the Church Council and works collaboratively with the Pastor of the Congregation.