God’s Garden – Update 5.16.2018

Saturday, May 12, was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, it was warm, and although there were storms in the forecast, we gathered for the grand planting of the garden. It turned out that the “we” was an intergenerational group of three – me, Lisa Horton, and young Reese. When all was done we had planted some 20 tomato, 6 green pepper, and 2 cucumber plants. In addition, Reese planted some green bean seeds and helped put the cages around the tomato plants. It was a very good day and God provided the watering later in the day. For the next couple of months, we will be in the maintenance mode – weeding, watering and some pruning to remove the suckers on the tomatoes. My thanks to Lisa and Reese for their hard work (also, thanks to Megan for bringing Reese).

It’s difficult to determine weeding and watering needs ahead of time. Therefore, a sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board. If you wish to volunteer for either or both of these activities, please place your name on the sheet. The garden should be weed inspected every week. Weekly watering needs will be determined based on the rain gauge that I plan to place in the garden, One inch per week of water is recommended, so check the gauge before watering to determine if additional water is required over and above what God has provided. If you have any questions let me know.
Yours in Christ, Bob Kane