June-July 2021 Cross Connection Newsletter

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A Letter from Pastor Frye

Breath on me, Breath of God,

fill me with life anew,

that I may love the way you love,

and do what you would do.

I can still hear my maternal grandmother singing these words in her supportive alto voice. These are words from one of my favorite hymns. Aside from the good memories associated with it, one of the reasons it is a favorite of mine is that it has become my prayer — a petition to God. I’m keenly aware of my dependence on breath. I suspect many of us take breathing for granted — that is, until we have difficulty catching ours or we learn the hard way, like I have, how breath is essential to fluency.

The Breath of God is one way that we come to experience the Holy Spirit. It’s not necessarily new at Pentecost, but rather a prime player in the story of Creation from the beginning.  The Breath of God, the Holy Spirit, not only participates in the creation of life, but also is instrumental to the renewal of life.

On Pentecost, the church remembers the gift of the Holy Spirit that fell upon the first disciples, equipped them for service, and sent them out into the world that God so loves in the name of Jesus. The good news is that this is not simply an historical observance, but an occurrence for each of us and all of us here and now.

This past year of pandemic has taken our breath away. We are exhausted, played out, and spent.  We need what God is giving now more than ever. The great news is that this breath of God, the Holy Spirit, is not in short supply.  It does not need to be rationed, stashed away for a rainy day, or hoarded just in case.  There is an unlimited supply, a supernatural outpouring that God desires to pour out on us. Psalm 104 reminds us:

You send forth your Spirit, and they are created;

and so you renew the face of the earth.  Psalm 104:30

Like the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel’s vision, we may feel like we are disconnected, and unable to get our act together.  That’s alright. Just as long as we can admit that — acknowledge that apart from God we can do nothing, that we remain solitary and independent at our peril.

The Breath of God is hovering over us now.  We will be filled with life anew.  Thanks be to God!

Pastor Frye


Sundays and Special Days in June and July

Sunday, June 6:  2nd Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, June 13:  3rd Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, June 20:  4th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, June 27:  5th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, July 4:  6th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, July 11:  7th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, July 18:  8th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, July 25:  9th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday Worship Services

Wednesday Healing Services

We have a weekly service of Prayer, Healing, and Holy Communion every Wednesday at 11 a.m. This simple service is a great way to connect with a smaller group of people in a supportive environment. In-person Wednesday Prayer services have resumed and do not require advance reservation.

Summer Outdoor Services @ Pavilion #3 in Greene Township Park

Saturday, June 19, 6 p.m.: Bring a dad (or 2 or 3) and join us for a short evening prayer service followed by ice cream sundaes and fellowship, as we celebrate our
Fathers! All are invited to attend! There will be plenty of seats at picnic benches, but feel free to bring a chair for your comfort. Please RSVP to the church office or on our website so we know how much ice cream to buy!

Saturday, July 17, 6 p.m.:  8th Sunday after Pentecost



Given to the Glory of God, by

Barnes, Jim & Nancy
Bays, Melanie
Bookheimer, Kathy
Cox, Gail
Davies, Shelly
Dolly, Dale & Lynn
Fahnestock, Sherry
Fairbairn, Ellen
Foster, Sandra
Furry, Sam & Pat
Gauthier, Kay
Heckert, Craig & Glenna
Horton, Lisa
Hull, John & Nancy
Huss, Bob & Norma
Kauffman, William & Judy
Kroepil, Kathy
Lawver, Barbara
Ocker, Donna
Peters, Jerry & Catherine
Shreiner, Karl & Pat
Snowberger, Rob & Susie
Walker, Linda
Wildeson, Joanne

Parish records

June 13: 50th ordination anniversary, Rev. Michael Brendle


Confidential prayer requests can be made online: StLukeChambersburg.org/connect

Card Showers

If you’d like to request a special card shower for a special someone, please reach out to the office at St. Luke!



Summer VBS

Save the date for our summer
Vacation Bible School, Love the Earth! Although it may look a little different than normal, it will be filled with activity and fun!  August 3—5 from 6:30—8:30 p.m.  All activities will take place outside learning how God has called us to take care of and love the earth. (Rain location will be inside!)  Registration will be available for children ages 3-12. Teens are welcome to help by being leaders. Let your children, grandchildren and neighbors know!  Also, if you would be willing to help with games, crafts, snacks, please let Shelly know. See our weekly
announcements for information coming soon!

It takes a village to raise a child. ~African Proverb

Kids of the Church (ages birth—Grade 6)

Be on the lookout for your Summer Fun Bag to show up on your doorstep. Included will be crafts, Bible study activities, family fun and more!!  If you’re child hasn’t been receiving these throughout the past year and is interested, please let Shelly know.

Adult Faith Formation

We are continuing to meet each Sunday at 8 a.m. via Zoom.  You are welcome to pop in one week and out the next – we’d love to have you!  See the weekly announcements or our website for the link.

Shelly Davies, Director of Education and Outreach

diredu@saintlukechambersburg.org; 717-372-9579


Pentecost Projects

Paper Products for the Homeless Shelter

Once again we are lifting up the opportunity to assist individuals in our area who are without homes by collecting paper products for The Franklin County Homeless Shelter.  The shelter especially needs toilet paper and paper towels.  For more information about the shelter visit www.sccap.org/homeless-services.

Personal Care Kits

Pentecost is also Lutheran World Relief  “Kit Time” for St. Luke.  Personal Care Kits are in great demand, especially in this time of pandemic. Information about items needed for Personal Care Kits and assembly can be found on the table in the gathering area and at lwr.org/kits.

While visiting the LWR website you will notice that LWR also needs School Kits, Baby Care Kits, and Fabric Kits.  If you would prefer to assemble any of these kits, you may do so.  They can be sent to LWR along with the Personal Care Kits.

Lutheran World Relief COVID-19 Response

The third project to consider is a donation to Lutheran World Relief for COVID-19 Response.  Information about LWR COVID-19 Response is at lwr.org/lwr-global-response-covid-19.


The next opportunity to participate in the St. Luke Adopt-a-Highway program for 2021 will be on Saturday, July 10 at 8 a.m. Each crew
(1-3 people) cleans about 1 mile of one side of the road. It takes about an hour (on average) to cover this distance.  Anyone 12 years old or older may join in. Advance sign-up is needed to coordinate the work. Reach out to Rick Lawver at rllawver@comcast.net or 717-816-0977 (call or text).

God’s Garden

Anyone interested in gardening?  We have space for you to help with our garden at the church!  Throughout the summer when we harvest, the bounty will go to a local food bank. You can also start thinking ahead and if you have extras from your personal garden, drop them off weekly at the church and we’ll donate them along with ours.

Spring Fling

Thank you to all who donated, and helped sort and serve with First Lutheran’s Spring Fling summer clothing give-a-way. Our donations and help were appreciated and they are very grateful to have us collaborating with them in these projects over the past few months and into the future.

Congregation, Council, Committees

Council Highlights March / April 2021

  • Council decided to wait for a recommendation from the COVID Task force before we start singing at worship service.
  • Regular giving is up over 10% so far in 2021.
  • Sunday, June 13, is Rev. Michael Brendle’s 50th ordination anniversary. A gift of $350 will be given in his honor to ELCA World Hunger Appeal.
  • $1,000 was sent to Kandete Parish to offset funeral expenses for the 2 year old son of the Associate
  • We have 6 graduates: 2 college students, Jessa Corwell and Isabelle Frye, and 4 high school students: Scott Pettyjohn, Stephen Pettyjohn, Riley Newcomer, and Sam Speise.
  • Still doing Power Packs.
  • Future dates for St. Seraphim: May 29,  June19,  July 24, and  August 28.

Worship and Music COMMITTEE

This past year has been a struggle for the worship committee for most everything we do has been canceled or is online due to the COVID pandemic.

There is a committee involved with decorating the Nave for appropriate Festival Days. They felt that even though the services were online the Nave should be decorated appropriately for each specific Festival Day. This was well received for it made everyone realized that even though we are at home the Church Year does go on.

Everyone misses the music that was sung at each service. So does the choir miss enriching the service. However, both Sherry and Brenda made our hearts sing. The music that Sherry chooses for each service is very thoughtful and appropriate for each service.

Through a very generous contribution by a member we now have an Audio Visual system. It is a work in progress and everyone is grateful for it for we can now watch our service live streamed if it is the chosen way. The other parts of our committee are the greeters that make everyone feel at home as they enter the gathering area and the ushers that seat us. Also there are the acolytes that have to adjust to a different way of serving the Pastor. There is also the altar guild that prepares the altar under Pastor Frye’s direction. They are also responsible for any items used by the Pastor, assisting minister, or the acolyte.

As one can see we are a very important part of St. Luke’s ministry. The Worship and Music Committee would like to extend an invitation to anyone who might like to be a member: contact Melanie Bays.

2021 Graduates

Jessa Corwell

Jessa graduated from Shippensburg University on May 15, 2021 with a Bachelor of Sociology. While attending Shippensburg, she was a member of Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority where she helped raised money for Juvenile Arthritis & Sisters for Soldiers.  She was a recipient of three scholarships-the Josephine Stouffer Memorial Scholarship, Retired Teachers Scholarship,  Walk-Fahnestock Scholarship.  Future plans include continuing to work at Robert T. Henry Pharmacy while looking for full time employment.  Congratulations Jessa!!

Isabelle Frye

Isabelle graduated from Lafayette College on May 30, 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Spanish. She is graduating with an Honors in Spanish Honors Thesis, Cum Laude, Sigma Delta Pi (National Collegiate Spanish Honor Society), Frank Kline Baker Spanish and Latin American Civilization Award, as well on the Dean’s List. She was a recipient of the Walk-Fahnestock Scholarship. Isabelle was part of the following extra-curricular groups while in college: PARDner Program (First-Year Peer Mentor), Alternative School Break Club (Co-President and Trip member), Kaleidoscope (Social Justice Peer Educator), SHEESH Club for Women and Non-binary People (Co-Founder and Vice President), Presidential Oversight Committee for Sexual Misconduct (Student member), Pi Beta Phi sorority (former member) and LiveWell Lafayette (former adviser).  Isabelle is searching for career-oriented employment in the legal field, immigration field, or other non-profit organization work. She is currently pursuing an AmeriCorps position. After a year or so, she is intending to continue education in Law School or a Master’s program in public policy. Congratulations Isabelle!!

Sam Spiese

Sam graduated from Chambersburg Area Senior High School on May 28, 2021. He is the recipient of the UNE Noreaster Scholarship.  During high school he was involved in Varsity Swimming and Diving, JV Tennis and was the Vice President of the Latin Club.  Following graduation Sam plans to move to Maine and study Chemistry at the University of New England. Congratulations Sam!

Riley Newcomer

Riley graduated from Franklin County Career and Technology Center on May 27, 2021.  He focused on Diesel Mechanics during his time there.  He completed a Co-op with NRI Trucking in Hagerstown, MD.  During high school he also spent time obtaining all the training needed to become a firefighter. He was awarded with Firefighter of the Year with Newville Fire and EMS. While he will continue to work with NRI in Hagerstown, his goal is to work towards obtaining a position as a career firefighter. Congratulations Riley!

Stephen Pettyjohn

Stephen graduated from Chambersburg Area Senior High School on May 28, 2021. As Salutatorian, he will give a speech to his 2021 graduating class. During his time in high school, he was elected as the National Honor Society Treasurer and the president of the Latin club. His other activities include the chemistry club, the Academic Competition Team, varsity tennis, and he played the viola in the symphony.

Stephen will be attending the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh’s main campus. He plans to major in chemistry. For his efforts in high school, he’s received the University Scholarship and the Lenfest College Scholarship.

Stephen would like to thank you for the foundation and support that you’ve provided through the church. Congratulations Stephen!

Scott Pettyjohn

Scott graduated from Chambersburg Area Senior High School on May 28, 2021. His class rank is 3 out of nearly 500 students. While attending high school Scott was a National Honor Society Member, participated in Latin Club, Tennis, and ACT (Academic Competition Team).

In the fall, Scott will be pursuing his bachelor’s degree from George Washington University in Washington DC. He has been accepted to the school of engineering and applied science.

So far, Scott has received three academic scholarships: the Lenfest College Scholarship, the George Washington Presidential Scholarship and the University & Alumni Award.

Scott has attended St. Luke since birth and appreciates the prayers and support throughout his life. Congratulations Scott!


Visit our online calendar for the most current updates to meetings, events, and services.


2695 Luther Drive, Chambersburg, PA 17202

Facebook: @StLukeChburg

Instagram: @stlukechburg

Twitter: @stlukechburg

Web: StLukeChambersburg.org