May 2023 Cross Connection
Stephen Ministry Mission
The mission of Stephen Ministry is to transmit Christ’s love and care to hurting people along their journey from brokenness to wholeness. Stephen Ministers are faithful witnesses to the healing transformation possible through the grace of God. Stephen Ministry strengthens and supports the St. Luke family and the community with one-on-one relational connections.
Since February 28, 8 Stephen Minister trainees have spent 5 to 7 hours a week in class steadily completing the modules of the Stephen Ministry training manual, and reading books like “Christian Caregiving, A Way of Life”, “Speaking the Truth in Love”, and other resources.
The last class will be held on May 6, with commissioning of the first
Stephen Ministers at St. Luke on May 7. This deeply meaningful ceremony launches each dedicated Stephen Minister to begin what he or she has trained for…providing confidential care as a caregiver to a care receiver, offering a steady presence for as long as the care receiver needs. Knowing that only God has the power to cure, Stephen Ministers use their skills to listen intently, reflect what the care receiver says, validate feelings, and empathize, allowing the care receiver to make healthy adjustments in his or her own life.
Please join Pastor Frye, Cheryl Vorhauer, and Carol Angstadt as Stephen Leaders in congratulating the graduates of this new ministry. We need your ongoing support by respecting the confidentiality of the care receivers, providing referrals to one of us, for anyone who might need a Stephen Minister, and always praying for everyone involved with Stephen Ministry. The Stephen Minister commissioning includes:
Dick Wildeson, JoAnn Wildeson, Nancy Carson, Melanie Bays, Sue Cline, Janet Lundblad, Kay Gauthier, and Kathy Bookheimer.
You can view or print this month’s newsletter with graphics by clicking here.
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Sundays and Special Days
May 7: Fifth Sunday of Easter; Our baptism commissions us to share Jesus’ mission in the world.
May 14: Sixth Sunday of Easter; Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus comes to abide with his disciples of every generation.
May 21: Seventh Sunday of Easter; Made one in baptism, we go forth to live our faith in the world, eager for the unity that God intends for the whole human family.
May 28: Day of Pentecost; Pentecost derives its name from the Jewish festival celebrating the harvest and the giving of the law on Mount Sinai fifty days after Passover.
Sunday Worship Services
10 a.m. every Sunday, In-person and online
Wednesday Healing Services
We have a weekly service of Prayer, Healing, and Holy Communion every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. This
simple service is a great way to connect with a smaller group of people in a supportive environment.
Wednesday Prayer Service
Prayer & Share via Zoom will resume April 12 @ 7:00 p.m.
Second Sunday Fellowship – May 14 following Worship
Save the Date – Summer Vespers in the Park
June 17, July 15, & August 19
Support Group Update
Luther Ridge AA Meetings are held on Mondays at noon in Fellowship Hall.
Pastoral Visits
If you or a loved one desire a pastoral visit for any reason, please contact Pastor Frye (717-253-0322)
Also, please notify the Church office if you are hospitalized or are anticipating surgery (717-261-1213)
Walk-Fahnestock Scholarship
The Walk Fahnestock Scholarship applications are now available for the 2023-2024 school year for full and part time college/trade school students. You must be a member of St Luke, full or part time student and a few other criteria to qualify, which are all listed in the application packet. To obtain an application or any questions, please contact Jodi Forrester, [email protected] or 717-552-4964. Application deadline is May 31, 2023, with council approval to be obtained by June 30, 2023.
Stephen Ministry
On Sunday, May 7th, our congregation will commission our Stephen Ministers. As we commission our newly trained Stephen Ministers, let us thank God for all they will bring to our congregation and community in providing care to others, and let us promise them our daily prayer and support as we send them out to minister among us.
Confidential prayer requests can be made online.
Card Showers
If you’d like to request a special card shower for a special someone, please reach out to the office at St. Luke!
End of School Year party
You are all invited, Sunday, May 21 starting @ 3:00pm, for a party to celebrate the end of the school year!! We will go mini-golfing and then have dinner & dessert together. Don’t miss out on this fun time! Sign up on the bulletin board or by letting Mrs. Shelly know. Friends are welcome! Ages 5-18
Last day for Kids Faith Formation is May 28th
Summer Camp “Camperships” Available
Are your children (or you-there are adult camps too!) interested in attending camp this summer at Camp Nawakwa or Camp Kirchenwald? If so, camperships (scholarships) are available. Contact Shelly Davies for more information!
Adult Faith Formation Classes
Biblical Stewardship: A Radical Concept for Congregational Renewal in the 21st Century
May 7, 14, 21, 28 & June 4 & 11
The word stewardship doesn’t just refer to money. Come and learn more. This study will include the stewardship of God’s Word, Self, God’s Word in a Secular/Religious Society, God’s Word in the Political Arena, Earth’s Resources and Beauties, and Material Goods. Taught by Pastor Christopher Frye
Like the overview in April and want to go deeper? Join us Sunday afternoons May 7, 21 and June 4, 11, 18 and 25 following worship for lunch and study. RSVP necessary to get books. Contact Shelly Davies if interested. Taught by Rev. Michael Brendle
1st Lutheran Spring Fling
This give-a-way event happens this Saturday, May 6 at 1st Lutheran in Chambersburg. THANK YOU to all who donated spring/summer clothing and shoes over the last few months – 5 carloads, approximately 60 bags and boxes, have been shuttled down to 1st Lutheran and our donations make up a significant portion of what will be available on Saturday. Thank you for your part in helping those in need in our community!
St. Luke Workday
A BIG thank you to all who joined us at our Workday!! We were able to complete 18 different projects around the church over 4 hours with 20 volunteers working hard. Enjoy a few pictures!

Congregation, Council, Committees
· A task force of Lisa Horton, Dudley Gayman & Janet Lundblad was formed to meet with a similar group from St. Paul Lutheran in Fayetteville. Their task will be to find a way in which the two churches can, if possible, work together
· The Personnel Committee is in the process of revising the job descriptions for a Financial Secretary and Assistant Financial Secretary. The positions will then be advertised to fill the vacancy of our present long time Financial Secretary who has voiced his decision to retire
· Our regular giving for March is up 7.80% over the same period of last year
· The St. Luke family of Gabriel Frye, Rowan Frye and Luke Davies are graduating high school this Spring
· Our first Summer Vespers in the Park will on June 17 at the Greene Township Park in Scotland. And you will not need a passport to come to this Scotland park.
· A safety handrail will be installed along the new walkway between the front exit of the Nave to the Memorial Garden. The cost of $2,249.38 will be paid from the Christopher Furry bequest
· Social Ministry Committee and Family and Youth Committee has requested a new line item under Benevolence in the amount of $1,000.00 for the Lutheran Camping Corporation.

The Personnel Committee is looking both a Financial Secretary and an Assistant Financial Secretary
The positions report to the Stewardship Committee and the Pastor. The Financial secretary provides record keeping, reporting, and depositing of all receipts. This is a salaried position. While the assistant Financial Secretary will be paid a per diem stipend.
The Principal Accountabilities
Records and deposits all congregational receipts.
Counts weekly receipts.
Completes recap sheet for Pastor and Treasurer.
Makes deposit at the bank.
Schedules counting assistants.
Records and reports individual member contributions.
Enters contribution information into record keeping software by name, envelope number, and category.
Issues new contribution envelopes to members yearly.
Issues year-end contribution statements to contributors for tax purposes.
Completes the official Yearly Contribution Record.
Records and reports building pledges and contributions.
Enters pledges made into record keeping software for pledge period.
Enters member contributions made toward pledges
Issues quarterly pledge vs. contribution reports to all members.
Prepares quarterly campaign report for Stewardship committee.
Records and acknowledges all memorial contributions received.
Sends acknowledgment note to contributor.
Sends a list of memorial gifts received to a designated family member.
Acknowledge that recording of income or gifts from individuals of the congregation is a confidential matter and such, records will only be made available to the Pastor, Financial Secretary, or the Stewardship committee.
Develop an estimate of the next year’s income and meets with the Budget committee when necessary.
Attend Stewardship committee meetings.
Ability to maintain confidentiality.
Skill in using Personal computers and record keeping software.
Ability to communicate verbally and in writing.
If you are interested please send a letter of intent and resume to the office Attn: Brad Bolinger, either email
[email protected] or mail to office.