August-September 2021 Cross Connection Newsletter
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A Letter from Pastor Frye
Dear St. Luke Family and Friends,
I would like to invite you to take a moment right now to sit still and listen. Hear these words from the letter to the Ephesians:
So then you are no longer strangers and aliens,
but you are citizens with the saints
and also members of the household of God,
built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone.
(Ephesians 2:19-20)
While they were meant for a specific people at a particular time and place, these words are addressed to us, too. Remembering that we are part of a larger community is essential for our spiritual well-being. The past year or so of isolation because of the COVID-19 Pandemic has been both a blessing and a
burden. We have proven that we can remain apart as we have convinced ourselves, in some cases, that we are self-sufficient.
Yet, as a congregation, we are called to be together and remain connected and related as the household of God. And, as a congregation, we are called to remain connected and in relationship with others — other Christians, our neighbors, those who have gone before us in the faith, all saints — with Christ
Jesus himself as the cornerstone. How firm a foundation! All other ground is sinking sand.
As we continue to navigate our way through and out of the pandemic, many of us have resumed regular participation in worship, in-person as well as on-line. Things are different. I sense that we are
experiencing a collective grief . . . not only over the loss of so many to death in the past year, but also over exponential change and the loss of a sense of stability, continuity, and hope. But guess what?
Stability, continuity, and hope are precisely the fruit of being gathered together as the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. This truth has not and will not change.
On Monday evening, August 30 from 6:30-8:30, there will be a meeting of council members and other leaders of the congregation to discuss future steps in our life-together. There is a need to recalibrate and refocus our mutual ministry not only in light of the emergent reality, but also with the understanding that our rich history and tradition remain intact. If you would like to be part of that conversation, please know that you are welcome to participate. I ask that you please keep one another and the needs of the surrounding community in your prayers, as we continue to discern what God would have us do in the months and years ahead.
May Christ’s love be with you.
Peace and all Good,
Pastor Frye
Sundays and Special Days in August and September
Sunday, August 1: 10th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 8: 11th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 15: Mary, Mother of our Lord, 12th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 22: 13th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 29: 14th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, September 5: 15th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, September 12: 16th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, September 19: 17th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, September 26: 18th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday Worship Services
- 10 a.m. every Sunday
- In-person and online
Wednesday Healing Services
We have a weekly service of Prayer, Healing, and Holy Communion every Wednesday at 11 a.m. This simple service is a great way to connect with a smaller group of people in a supportive environment. In-person Wednesday Prayer services have resumed and do not require advance reservation.
Summer Outdoor Services @ Pavilion #3 in Greene Township Park
Saturday, August 21 at 6 p.m.: Vespers, 13th Sunday after Pentecost, Ice cream sandwiches as a sweet treat!
Parish records
May 23, Service — Memorial for Bruce Toma was held
June 26, Wedding — Scott & Cecilia Lehman renewed their vows
July 11, New Member — Paul Oyler joined St. Luke by Affirmation of Baptism
August 22, Baptism — Baptism of Evelyn Douglas
September 18, Service — Memorial for Howard Hinkeldey at 1:00 p.m.
August 21 at 8 a.m. sharp. Please contact Rick Lawver to let him know you’d like to help so he can organize the crews.
New Member Card Shower
Paul Oyler
2602 St. Paul Drive
Chambersburg, Pa 17202
Confidential prayer requests can be made online:
Card Showers
If you’d like to request a special card shower for a special someone, please reach out to the office at St. Luke!
Love the Earth! – VBS August 3-5, 2021
Vacation Bible School is happening again this year! We are doing a shortened version of the event, but will be welcoming around 12 children during the time to learn more about God’s earth and the ways we can help keep it healthy and flourishing. We are using all “trash” (one person’s trash is another’s treasure) for the
projects throughout the week and will upcycle, recycle, plant, harvest, learn about healthy snacks and worship God, all at the same time. Look for a display in church following the event to see how things went and all our
Back to School 2021-2022
Can you believe school is starting for our children this month? Kid’s are headed back in August, to preschool, elementary, middle and high school, as well as college. We pray that this year will be one of consistency. We pray that the lessons learned during COVID would help us move into the future, stronger and better. Take some time now, and towards the middle to end of August, and lift up our children and teachers in prayer.
Faith Formation Kick Off 2021-2022
Join us for our Faith Formation Kick Off, Sunday, September 12 @ 8:45 a.m. All adult and children’s classes will meet in the Fellowship Hall for some fun and fellowship. Whether you’ve been attending a Faith Formation class, plan to in the future, or are just interested in learning more, please join us. Hope to see you then!
Shelly Davies, Director of Education and Outreach
[email protected]; 717-372-9579
Audio/Visual Update
We’ve added many new components to the church AV system over the past 8 months, including large screen tv’s, live-streaming cameras, slide projection, and most recently new microphones on the pulpit and in the piano! We are still a work in progress and plan to soon have a Bluetooth Hearing Assist system as well as announcements scrolling again in the Gathering Area. Please direct any questions to Shelly Davies. We also need volunteers to help make everything run smoothly on Sunday mornings – if you can click a button, you are qualified! (Seriously, there are two positions and one of them is VERY simple.)
God’s Garden
The tomatoes and peppers are growing down over the hill next to the church and we are preparing to start harvesting and donating. If you have any overflow from your own personal gardens, we’d love to bless the local food-insecure. Drop off your donations each Friday at 10:00am, now through the end of September, in the church parking lot. Thank you for being a blessing!
Collaborative Back to School Event
St. Luke has been partnering with First Lutheran in Chambersburg for several events recently. First Lutheran is in a perfect location to reach out to the downtown Chambersburg community. We joined them for a winter clothing give-a-way in December 2020 and a spring version in May 2021. We’ve also donated over 15 bags of towels and bedding to their laundry ministry. In August, they will be hosting a ‘Back to School Event,’ providing between 60-80 children with backpacks full of school supplies & clothing essentials (socks, underwear, sweat pants). St. Luke, through the Outreach Committee, provided over 500 pairs of socks for the children!! Students will receive them on August 21.
God’s Work. Our Hands, 2021
Our 2021 project for God’s Work. Our Hands. will be to benefit Sweet Grace Ministries ( Their ministry is to offer resources to families enduring ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth, life limiting diagnosis, and infant death. They offer help and support in the form of baskets, comfort bags, photography, support groups, remembrance events, mentor couples, and more. St. Luke would like to partner with them by collecting items that will form their comfort baskets. Look for more information to come out via email blasts and announcements during the month of August with specific items and ways to donate.
Congregation, Council, Committees
Council Highlights May / June 2021
- Council will continue to wait for recommendations from COVID Task force before adding more to Sunday Worship
- Regular giving is up over 0.76% so far in 2021
- Vacation Bible School will be August 3 — 5 from 6:30 p.m. — 8:30 p.m.
- Nature Walks are in the planning stage
- Walk-Fahnestock Scholarship of $43,000 has been divided among 6 college students: Sam Spiese, Scott and Stephen Pettyjohn, Jake and Joe Corwell, and Lorpu Yanquoi
- Hand rails to be installed at the emergency exits in the Nave at the cost of $1,701.00
- Advertising for a Choir Director
- Outreach Committee is looking at a beautification project at The Inn
- Replacement of the sign at the front of the church is being researched
- Future dates for St. Seraphim: May 29, June19, July 24, and August 28
Family and Youth COMMITTEE
The Family and Youth Education Committee (formerly Christian Education Committee) has oversight and responsibility for all education-related activities for children, youth, and adults. This includes Sunday morning Faith Formation classes, Confirmation instruction, V.B.S., Bible study, church camp, and all activities that help us grow in faith from “cradle to grave”, a lifetime journey.
We are always looking for new members interested in Family and Youth Education activities. Please contact Shelly Davies, Director of Education and Outreach, or Anita Walter, Committee Chairperson, if willing to serve in this ministry. Our regular meeting night is the third Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m., but there is great flexibility in the day and time.
Special Summer Updates
Luther Ridge Flowers and Birds
The new portion of Skilled Care at Luther Ridge has some beautiful landscaping where the residents can sit outside, but it was lacking color and items to attract birds and butterflies. Through a Thrivent Grant and some extra money, we were able to add a bit of beauty to the area. Soon, once safe for the birds again, we plan to add a few bird baths and feeders. Thanks to Bob Kane for seeing a way to bless others and engaging the Outreach committee.
Hiking at Pine Grove Furnace
Don’t let the name fool you! The Mountain Creek Trail at Pine Grove Furnace State Park is a gentle walk through the woods, along the creek. It’s 1.4 mile length can be easily manipulated by hiking only half, or by doing the entire length and then coming back, doubling it. Join us on Wednesday, August 11 at 9:00am, or Saturday, August 14 at 9:00am to hike the trail together. Bring a water bottle for a refreshing drink and feel free to hop in the creek to cool off!
Directions: Head north on Pine Grove Rd. Pass Fuller Lake. Just before Laurel Lake, turn right on Ice House Rd. Follow until the end of the road to a circle. We will start the hike from there.
Visit our online calendar for the most current updates to meetings, events, and services.
2695 Luther Drive, Chambersburg, PA 17202
[email protected]