March 2022 Cross Connection Newsletter

A Letter from Pastor Frye

Dear Family and Friends of St. Luke,

This past week I walked and prayed with my ecumenical pastoral colleagues at our regular Thursday morning gathering.  We discussed our call as Christ followers (all of us as the Church) to regard the image of God in our neighbor. We lamented together the divisions that we all witness and experience in our nation and here in our local community. We live in a challenging time — one that is polarized and raw. Seeing the dignity in those we disagree with or find problematic takes a certain discipline. Christian discipleship is like that. We can do better.

As we enter into another season of Lent we will once again be challenged to look upon the One crucified for you, me, and all people. A former pastor of mine is known for saying:  You will never meet someone for whom Christ did not die. The implications of that statement should give us pause before jumping to conclusions about others based on limited experience or just a bad day. After we pause, we can remain planted in humility. It’s a good place to begin the season of Lent as we are reminded on Ash Wednesday that we are dust, and unto dust we shall return.

Ash Wednesday is March 2. There will be services at 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM. Imposition of Ashes will be available at both times. On the remaining Wednesday evenings of Lent, we are participating in the rotation of services sponsored by the Conococheague Mission Cooperative. Our first “away game” will be on Wednesday, March 9 at St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fayetteville. A schedule of services will be available online and in the weekly announcements.

Realizing that we are still experiencing the weight of collective grief and extended trauma from the pandemics, many are understandably reluctant to re-engage in activities and gatherings. Re-emerging from our hibernations will take time and care. And I suspect that what we will look like moving forward will be different. Our willingness to regard one another and our neighbors from a position of humility will be necessary. We need not be afraid. God in Christ is making all things new. May we take the time to embrace the days ahead with a holy and certain hope grounded in God’s love for the whole world in Christ Jesus.

Peace and all Good,

Christopher Frye

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A Letter from Pastor Frye

Dear Family and Friends of St. Luke,

This past week I walked and prayed with my ecumenical pastoral colleagues at our regular Thursday morning gathering.  We discussed our call as Christ followers (all of us as the Church) to regard the image of God in our neighbor. We lamented together the divisions that we all witness and experience in our nation and here in our local community. We live in a challenging time — one that is polarized and raw. Seeing the dignity in those we disagree with or find problematic takes a certain discipline. Christian discipleship is like that. We can do better.

As we enter into another season of Lent we will once again be challenged to look upon the One crucified for you, me, and all people. A former pastor of mine is known for saying:  You will never meet someone for whom Christ did not die. The implications of that statement should give us pause before jumping to conclusions about others based on limited experience or just a bad day. After we pause, we can remain planted in humility. It’s a good place to begin the season of Lent as we are reminded on Ash Wednesday that we are dust, and unto dust we shall return.

Ash Wednesday is March 2. There will be services at 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM. Imposition of Ashes will be available at both times. On the remaining Wednesday evenings of Lent, we are participating in the rotation of services sponsored by the Conococheague Mission Cooperative. Our first “away game” will be on Wednesday, March 9 at St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fayetteville. A schedule of services will be available online and in the weekly announcements.

Realizing that we are still experiencing the weight of collective grief and extended trauma from the pandemics, many are understandably reluctant to re-engage in activities and gatherings. Re-emerging from our hibernations will take time and care. And I suspect that what we will look like moving forward will be different. Our willingness to regard one another and our neighbors from a position of humility will be necessary. We need not be afraid. God in Christ is making all things new. May we take the time to embrace the days ahead with a holy and certain hope grounded in God’s love for the whole world in Christ Jesus.

Peace and all Good,

Christopher Frye


Sundays and Special Days in March

March 2: Ash Wednesday

Returning to our baptismal call, we more intentionally bear the fruits of mercy and justice in the world.

March 6: First Sunday in Lent

The nearness of the Lord, in bread and wine, water and word, will uphold and sustain us.

March 13: Second Sunday in Lent

Lent provides another occasion to behold the God of our salvation in the face of the Blessed One who “comes in the name of the Lord.”

March 20: Third Sunday in Lent

The landowner’s ultimatum is forestalled by the gardener’s readiness to till the ground one more year.

March 27: Fourth Sunday in Lent

Happy are we that our sins are forgiven for Jesus’ sake. Rejoice!

Lenten midweek worship Service

Please see our special section in this Cross Connection for details about Lenten midweek worship.

Sunday Worship Services

  • 10 a.m. every Sunday, In-person and online
  • Worship in Nave — mask optional
  • Fellowship Hall Worship — mask required &
    communion will be brought to you.

Wednesday Healing Services

We have a weekly service of Prayer, Healing, and Holy Communion every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. This simple service is a great way to connect with a smaller group of people in a supportive  environment.

Wednesday Prayer Service

Prayer & Share via Zoom is on pause through Lent.

25th Ordination Anniversary

Help us celebrate Pastor Christopher Frye’s 25th anniversary of his ordination! We will celebrate on Sunday, March 6, 2022.  We will have a guest preacher, retired Bishop Penrose Hoover of the Lower Susquehanna Synod, join us for worship.  Following the service everyone is invited to join us in the fellowship hall for cake and ice cream.


Parish Records


Rowan James Dunlap — February 13, 2022
son of Lillian Jane Smith & Caleb Lynn Dunlap


Nancy Barnes — January 29

Linda Kuhn — February 3


Pastor Christopher Frye (25th year) — March 9

Support Group Update

Luther Ridge AA Meetings are held on Mondays at noon in Fellowship Hall.

Pastoral Visits

If you or a loved one desire a pastoral visit for any reason, please contact Pastor Frye (717-253-0322). Also, please notify the Church office if you are hospitalized or are anticipating surgery (717-261-1213).


Confidential prayer requests can be made online.

Card Showers

If you’d like to request a special card shower for a special someone, please reach out to the office at St. Luke!



Kid’s Lent/Easter Activity Bags

… were delivered this past weekend. The children will enjoy some Easter and Lent activities, including a 40 day scratch-off prayer calendar, and some fun treats!

Adult Faith Formation Class

Adult Faith Formation for the season of Lent will be led by Mike & Marty Brendle.  A Lenten Journey: Beyond Questions by Eric Burtness will be our guide as we look at questions Jesus asks such as: What are you looking for? Where is your faith? What do you want me to do for you? How will you believe what I say? etc. These are not easy questions with easy answers. They are questions that reposition us, challenge us, and potentially can draw us into a deeper faith and discipleship. Come join us at 8:45 AM Sunday mornings, in person or on Zoom.

Resources available online.

A look ahead:

May: Basics of Lutheranism with Pastor Frye

June/July: Ruth, Daniel & Esther-Stories of Wisdom with Charles Davies


Overcomer Movie Night

Join us at St. Paul Lutheran church in Fayetteville to enjoy popcorn, drinks and the movie Overcomer, on a large screen and comfortable chairs! This movie is written and directed by the Kendrick Brothers, who have made other popular movies such as Fireproof, Courageous, & War Room.

Movie Synopsis: Inspired by the words and prayers of a new friend, John starts to train Hannah for the biggest race of her young life. Saturday, March 5 @ 3:00 p.m.

Bring your friends for this FREE movie night!

2nd Sunday Fellowship & Reach Out

March 13 will be our first 2nd Sunday Fellowship of the year! We will be hosting a time of fellowship and snacks in the Fellowship Hall following Worship. Use this opportunity to invite friends & neighbors to join for worship, or just come along yourself and enjoy the fellowship. Think about who in the congregation you’d like to know more about and plan to spend time asking them a question during this time!

Committee Fair

Ever wonder what each of our church committees does?  Wonder how you can get involved in service in the church but don’t know where to start?  Here is a great opportunity for you!  Sunday, March 13, directly following worship, join us in the Gathering Area to learn more about each committee of the church and ways for you to get involved. Love, serve, worship!

Gnome Paint Night (Date Change) 

Don’t forget to sign up soon! Join us for painting, food and fellowship.  No experience necessary! Tuesday, March 15 at 6:30 pm, be led step-by-step through the process of painting a cute little gnome!  Attendance is free and we encourage you to bring your friends and family. A sign-up sheet is available on the bulletin board or by contacting Shelly. A donation basket will be available to help with the cost of supplies should you wish.


Created for Community: Midweek Lenten Series

The Conococheague Mission Cooperative will offer Lenten services as a group at these locations. Services begin at 7:00 p.m., and all are encouraged to wear masks.

  • March 9
    • “In Community with Creation”
    • Marck 4:35-41 Jesus calms a storm
    • St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fayetteville, Speaker: Rev. Christopher Frye
    • Offering: House of Grace
  • March 16
    • “In Community with All the Saints”
    • Mark 9:2-8 Jesus is in conversation with those who have gone before him
    • Scotland United Methodist Church, Speaker: Rev. Kraig Faust
    • Offering: Monarch’s Way
  • March 23
    • “In Community with Those on the Margins”
    • Mark 5:1-20 A community comes together to bring a neighbor to Jesus
    • Quincy United Methodist Church, Speaker: Rev. Robin Baer
    • Offering: Waynesboro Human Services
  • March 30
    • “In Community with Our Neighbor”
    • Mark 2:1-12 Jesus crosses barriers to attend to those on the margins
    • Calvary United Methodist Church, Fayetteville, Speaker: Mr. Mark Story, Community Engagement Director
    • Offering: Habitat for Humanity
  • April 6
    • “In Community with Christ”
    • Mark 10:32-45 Jesus reminds us that we are walking the way of the cross
    • Mont Alto United Methodist Church, Speaker: Pastor Bill Smith
    • Offering: Pregnancy Crisis Center, Waynesboro


The invitation to Lent spoken on Ash Wednesday reminds us that we enter this season together “with the whole church.” It goes on to state that “we are created for communion with God, to love one another, and to live in harmony with creation.” Though many common Lenten practices rightly invite us to individual acts of “repentance, prayer and fasting, sacrificial giving and works of love,” Lent is also a time for deepening of community.

In the early church, the weeks before Easter were a time in which the whole community took responsibility for the training of catechumens. Not only were the catechumens enriched by this formation, but those already within the community were strengthened in their faith along with them.

Using readings from Mark’s gospel, this series invites the assembly to reflect on what it means to be in community with one another, with the world, with creation, and with God.

Order of Worship

Gathering Song
Engaging with Scripture
Sung Response
Sending Song

Lenten Worship and Resources online

Everything you need to get involved is on our site:

Social Ministry Committee: 40 Days of Giving

This Lenten Season we invite you to study, pray, reflect, and give with us during ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving.  We do this for our families, our neighbors, and communities around the world. Your support is critically needed for people facing hunger and poverty in the US and around the world.

There are many ways to engage: Each week during Lent a list of activities for each day will arrive in your inbox.  These activities increase our awareness of world hunger and what it means to live in hope.

Your engagement in alleviating hunger can be deepened with a weekly study guide, which is available in print form at the church or online.  This guide can be used in small group study, with your family, or individually. A deeper dive into the content of 40 Days of Giving is possible by subscribing to the ELCA’s weekly Lenten email series.

Join ELCA World Hunger as we journey with our neighbors in hope for a just world where all are fed. Donations may be made to St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church with the memo ELCA World Hunger. All online resources can be accessed through your weekly announcements.

Congregation, Council, Committees

Congregation meeting Highlights January 2022

  • New Council members: Brad Bolinger, Charles Davies, Jodi Forrester,
    Donna Hocker (filling a 1-year unexpired term)
  • Karl & Pat Shreiner will be voting members attending 2022 Synod Assembly
  • Constitutional Change will allow Council to enter into contracts up to
    $10,000 for items not included in budget
  • 2022 Spending was presented by Toby Forrester and was approved

 Council Highlights January 2022

  • Council officers elected
  • President: Bob Huss
  • Vice President: Brad Bolinger
  • Secretary: JoAnn Wildeson
  • Treasurer: Brian Corwell
  • December 2021 giving up 7.80% from 2020
  • Net Income / Loss for 2021 – $8,713.71
  • Electronic sign will be replaced with solid faced back lit panels at a cost of $2,784.65. Also have parking lot sign to add new logo and wording at the cost of $175.00
  • Services will be held on Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, and Holy Week
  • Vespers Services: 3rd Saturday evening June 18, July 18,  August 20 at 6 p.m. at Greene Township Park
  • Virtual School: April 25—29 from 8 a.m.—12 p.m. in our building


Visit our online calendar for the most current updates to meetings, events, and services.


2695 Luther Drive, Chambersburg, PA 17202
[email protected]

Facebook: @StLukeChburg

Instagram: @stlukechburg

Twitter: @stlukechburg
