God’s Garden Update

Saturday, April 28, was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, it was warm, and I could hear God’s Garden once again calling, “Please, come and get me ready for planting” (I really don’t hear the garden talking to me). Having received the soil analysis and purchased the specified amendments, I responded to the call. I grabbed my shovel and drove to the garden. A short time later the amendments had been spread and the soil once again turned over. The garden is now ready for planting.
Due to other commitments I anticipate that planting cannot be done for about two weeks. I will purchase the necessary plants and seeds and we will meet at the garden on Saturday, May12th at 2 pm. If we have to reschedule due to bad weather, I will let everyone know. Come and join me for this year’s grand planting of God’s Garden. God will be there – how about you?

Yours in Christ,

Bob Kane