Easter Cross Connection

A letter from Pastor Frye:

Dear Family and Friends of St. Luke, 

Grace and Peace to you. 

Forsythia blooms are among the first to be on display in early Spring each year. They stand out, blazing brightly amid what looks like an otherwise dormant landscape. When I was growing up, my mom would cut some forsythia branches and bring them inside the warm house – compelling them to bloom even sooner. While forsythia blooms are not at the top of the beauty list overall, they are a welcome sight when the days are short, and the earth has only begun to let go of winter.  

The gestation and renewal of faith is like forsythia in early Spring. It might not be much, but it is sometimes all there is to remind us of God’s grace and love. Getting out in my garden at this time of year is an exercise in faith and trust. It is also a reminder (at least to me) of the mystery and majesty of God’s creative vision. It takes time, patience, faithful stewardship, and the assurance of what cannot (yet) be seen. 

This season of Easter is an opportune time for each of us to consider how our faith may need revival, renewal, and growth. We may not necessarily feel bereft of life, but the doldrums with which we contend reveal our untapped capacity for vitality. In other words, sometimes we don’t recognize how thirsty we are until we start drinking a glass of water. The waters of baptism’s grace flow freely for each of us. Happy are we who avail ourselves of this gift! 

Now, as we continue to proclaim that Christ is risen, in what ways are we allowing that growth, those blooms be on display? It’s not too late to subject ourselves to the protection and provision of God in Christ Jesus. Our hope can be bold. Our faith can be fearless, and our love can burst forth in generosity.  

Through regular use of the Means of Grace, in worship of God in both Word and Sacrament, in gathering in fellowship, learning, and service, we are blessed, forgiven, equipped, and encouraged in our life together. It need not be complicated or confusing. Our new life in Christ is something the Holy Spirit desires to activate in all of us. May we receive the gifts of God and bloom where are! 

May God be with each of you and all of us in this new season. I look forward to the unfolding of God’s purpose for us in our life together as we continue to support one another and be of service to those in need of God’s love. Thank you for your active and faithful participation. 

In Christ’s love for you, 

Pastor Christopher Frye 

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Sundays and Special Days

April 14 *3rd Sunday of Easter; In today’s gospel, Jesus both shares the disciples’ food and shows them the meaning of his suffering, death, and resurrection through the scriptures, the two main elements of our Sunday worship.

April 21 *4th Sunday of Easter; First John illustrates what it means to lay down our lives for one another by the example of sharing our wealth with any sibling in need.

April 28 *5th Sunday of Easter; We are sent out to bear fruit for the life of the world.

May 5 *6th Sunday of Easter; This is the mutual love of Christian community commanded by Christ and enabled by the Spirit. Baptism

May 12 *7th Sunday of Easter; This oneness is the work of the Spirit whom we have received but also await. Come, Holy Spirit! 2nd Sunday Fellowship & Mother’s Day

Coming this summer – Vespers

Summer Vespers in the Park –June 15, July 20 7 August 17, 6:00 p.m. at Greene Township Park

Sunday Worship Services

10a.m. every Sunday; In-person and online

 Wednesday Healing Services

We have a weekly service of Prayer, Healing, and Holy Communion every Wednesday at 11a.m. 

Zoom Prayer & Share

Prayer & Share happens via Zoom every Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. Join us!

Church Records


John Schilling—March 27, 2024

Bill Kauffman—April 3, 2024

New Members

Interested in joining St. Luke.  Find out more by contacting Pastor Frye or Shelly Davies. We will receive new members on June 9 during worship.

Card Shower for Sam Furry

Sam turns 96 on May 21. Please bless him with a shower of birthday cards!  His address can be found in the directory or by contacting the church office.

Stewardship Report

Thank you! We are grateful for your generous giving to support St. Luke’s ministries & mission. Your contributions continue to grow our community. Giving is down 0.36% compared to last year at this time.

March 2024YTD 2024
Total Income$58,964$108,323.75
Total Expenditures$45,245.76$116,953.85
Net Income+$13,718.24 -$8,630.10


Walk-Fahnestock Scholarship

If you are planning to attend college, university, technical, trade, or vocational school next school year (2024-2025) and have been a member of St. Luke for at least 2 years, this scholarship may be for you! The deadline for applications is May 31, 2024 and applications can be picked up at the church office and sent via email to Jodi Forrester @ forresterjodi517 @gmail.com or by phone or text (717-552-4964).  


Mark your calendars and invite your friends! This years’ VBS—God’s New Creation, will take place July 8-12 from 5:30-8:00pm.  VBS is open to all children from age 4—12. Sign up via our website or paper form at the church, starting May 1.

Special Adult Faith Formation

April 14—Emmanuel –current seminary student in Gettysburg; originally from Tanzania. He will share about his country and the Konde Diocese—our sister synod in Tanzania

April 28—Anne-Marie McCollum-Begley, guidance counselor at Scotland Elementary, will share about the impact of PowerPacks on the students.

Wonka Chocolate Extravaganza

Join us for an evening of chocolate on April 19. We will be watching the new movie, Wonka, and eating all things related to chocolate – as well as candy and pizza. All ages are invited to join us at 6:00pm at St. Paul Lutheran.  Sign up on the bulletin board please.


Memorial Garden

The St. Luke Memorial Garden is open for meditation, contemplation, and prayer. From the new arbor bench, the beauty of the trees can be appreciated. With the addition of two benches, and the one existing bench, there is plenty of seating to enjoy the peace, quiet, and calm that the garden reflects. Please make use of our newly appointed space, according to your need.

Around the World Dinner

Join us at St. Paul Lutheran, Saturday, April 20 @ 5:00 p.m. for an International dinner.  Bring a covered dish to share, something with an international flare.  Sign up on the bulletin board at St. Luke starting in April.  Dessert will be provided.

Faith Night @ the Senators

Mark your calendars now for our trip to the Sentors for a game followed by fireworks. Friday, June 21 –we will meet at the church at 4:45pm and travel together. Sign up on the bulletin board.

Congratulations to Our Stephen Ministers

Our Stephen Ministry will celebrate one year in ministry on May 5 at the worship service.  Find out more from one of our caregivers or by checking out the bulletin board next to the Chapel.  If God is leading you to be a Stephen Ministry caregiver, talk to Carol Angstadt, Cheryl Vorhauer, or Pastor Frye.

Stephen Ministry Testimonies

“Bear one another’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”  -Galatians 6:2

I have been interested in becoming a Stephen Minister for about 10 years. Upon joining St. Luke I was approached about my interest level in the program. Nothing ever became of that, so when I was asked again, I did not hesitate. What I didn’t realize at the time is the intensity of the training! It is a lot of reading, discussing, growing, and soul searching! My faith has grown exponentially because of this. 

I think one of the most interesting things is watching my care receiver change and grow. Of course, it is God who makes those changes…I am just the conduit. It is such an honor, blessing, and joy to be in a position of guiding someone back to wholeness. 

We live in a ‘fix-it’ society and things have to be done now. Positive change takes time, understanding, and love…patience, patience, and more patience. The hardest thing I have had to do is become a better listener and learn how to be present for my care receiver. But every second I spent doing that was worth it! 

So, if you think you may be interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, please give it a try. You will not only help others, but you will help yourself!    – Kay Gauthier 

Being a Stephen Minister has opened my eyes and heart about helping God reach out to people with all kinds of problems: death, divorce, loneliness, etc. This helped me realize that “I” can’t fix their problems, but I can be there for them to listen, talk, can comfort, and let the know that only God has the power to fix what is broken. I can walk with them, be a human shoulder to lean on, or cry on. This program has been uplifting for me and I am proud to be a caregiver to a person of God. —Dick Wildeson 

Serving as a Stephen Minister has been a joy and a privilege for me.  The Care Receiver assigned to me is a marvelous woman whom I probably would not have met if not for the Stephen Ministry program.  Our weekly visits have provided insights to a life quite different from mine, yet as we have shared stories and experiences, I’m recognizing we have much in common.  Her faith in God’s presence through tough times and especially during Covid has been an inspiration to my own faith.  In addition, our bi-weekly group supervision meetings provide further training for this work and deepen my appreciation for colleagues.  I am more deeply committed to this ministry of sharing Jesus’ love and mercy with others. -Janet Lundblad 

Congregation, Council, Committees

COUNCIL Highlights

February 2024

· Leadership Retreat went very well 

· Adjustable Rate for mortgage loan will start in May 

· At current rate of payment amount, mortgage should be paid off 3 to 5 years 

· Main Drain was pumped, grease pit needs to be pumped 

· Carpet will be cleaned in April by Mountain Air 

· Social Ministry Committee Pentecost Projects will be Fruitbelt Farmworkers, Widow Project in the Kandete Parish, & the Chambersburg Homeless Shelter 

March Council Highlights 

· Regular Giving up 17.14% so far this year, February Deficit ($7,623.17) YTD Deficit ($22,468.01) 

· Share Point will be demonstrated on April 9 at 6pm, & April 11 at 1pm 

· Egg hunt Saturday, March 30 

· Easter Breakfast Sunday, March 31 

· Audit Committee – Toby Forrester, Norma Huss, & Lisa Horton 

· Outdoor Furniture delivery April 4

· Carpet Cleaning April 5&6 

· Easter Flowers delivery March 30 

Upcoming Pentecost projects

This years’ Pentecost Project information will be coming soon. We will have three projects for the time from May-November that you can support through gifts-in-kind, monetary donations, or serving hands-on.  Of the three projects, two will focus locally while the third will be international.  Sneak peak: we will look to serve and bless widows, migrants, and the homeless.

Look for more information to come soon!

Being God’s hands—Deuteronomy 27:19, James 1:27, Matthew 25:40


Visit our online calendar for the most current updates to meetings, events, and services.


2695 Luther Drive, Chambersburg, PA 17202
[email protected]

Facebook: @StLukeChburg

Instagram: @stlukechburg

Twitter: @stlukechburg

Web: StLukeChambersburg.org