ELCA World Hunger’s – 40 Days of Giving
ELCA WORLD HUNGER is Social Ministry’s focus for Lent. The world provides enough food for all, but more than 800 million people around the world face chronic hunger. We believe in a God of abundance, so as a church, we live out our call in baptism to strive for a just world where all are fed. ELCA World Hunger is our church’s ministry to end hunger and poverty. With our partners and companions in the United States and more than 60 countries around the world, projects are developed to create sustainable food sources and agricultural practices that ensure food security. Your gifts to ELCA World Hunger address hunger and poverty around the world with creative and courageous action.
This Lent, Social Ministry invites you to look at the materials on display, reflect on them, and consider your response. Experience God’s grace as we engage in transformative works of love to end hunger around the world, including the United States, through ELCA World Hunger.
TO DONATE: Use your St. Luke envelope or a check payable to St. Luke to make a gift. Write ELCA World Hunger in “other” on your envelope or on the memo line of your check and place in the offering plate.
Find out more about ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving by visiting their website or using this link – https://community.elca.org/40days