January 2022 Cross Connection Newsletter

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A Letter from Pastor Frye

Dear Family and Friends of St. Luke,

Grace and Peace

Beginning a new year is usually an opportunity for resolving to do something new or to recommit to something lost or neglected. Beginning this new year comes with a certain amount of carry-over anxiety. While we would all most likely appreciate the chance to make a fresh start, we find it difficult to shake loose the Covid sting and collective grief that billows up behind us (and within us) as we move along into the cold new year.

Fear not we heard on Christmas Eve.  Our faith is to cast out fear as we welcome the light and life of Christ in our lives. For this promise to be made manifest in our life together, we need to continue to discern the body of which we are all a part. Our interrelatedness and interdependence are reminders of the mutual ministry we are called together to steward. I encourage us all to rediscover this core reality in our life as a congregation. Together, we continue to be equipped to respond faithfully to whatever we encounter as we move into this new year.

I especially want to thank you all for your resilience and flexibility over the past couple years. Lutherans are not normally known for their ability to change and adapt, yet you have proven more than capable, if not altogether willing participants in light of pandemic pressures. I deeply appreciate your thoughtfulness and understanding as decisions have been made to adjust as necessary to circumstances in response to Covid.

Please be aware of our upcoming Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, January 23. The Annual Report and Proposed Spending Plan will be available in advance of the meeting.  In the meantime, I would also like to encourage you to participate in the study of Isaiah that I will be leading during the month of January on Sunday mornings in the fellowship hall at 8:45 a.m. A Zoom link will also be available for those who wish to join the study remotely.

As we begin this new year, let us continue to live out our life together with all boldness and hope in light of God’s faithfulness in Christ that is new every morning.

In Christ’s love for you,

Christopher Frye


Sundays and Special Days in January

January 2: 2nd Sunday of Christmas

Through ordinary gifts we receive the fullness of God’s grace and truth.

January 6: Epiphany of our Lord

We are sent out to be beacons of the light of Christ, sharing the good news of God’s love to all people.

January 9: Baptism of our Lord

On this day the heavens open again for this assembly, and we receive the gift of God’s Beloved, Jesus, in bread and wine.

January 16: Second Sunday after Epiphany

In Christ Jesus the best wine is saved for last. Taste and see.

January 23: Third Sunday after Epiphany

The unity of the church is another reflection of God’s glory. Most gloriously, the promises of God are fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ.

January 30: Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Take heed, lest the glory of God slip through our midst unnoticed.

Sunday Worship Services

  • 10 a.m. every Sunday
  • In-person and online
  • Worship in Nave — mask optional
  • Fellowship Hall Worship — mask required & communion will be brought to you.

Wednesday Healing Services

We have a weekly service of Prayer, Healing, and Holy Communion every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. This simple service is a great way to connect with a smaller group of people in a supportive  environment.

Wednesday Prayer Service

Prayer & Share via Zoom is re-starting at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays. You can get the link in the announcements or on the homepage of the website.

Epiphany Vespers

Thursday, January 6, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.

Followed by undecorating the church and cookie fellowship


Annual Congregational Meeting

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Annual Congregational Meeting following worship

Support Group Update

Luther Ridge AA Meetings (Tuesdays at Noon in Fellowship Hall) are resuming on January 4.

Worship Support 2022

We are in great need of Volunteers for the upcoming year, in all areas. Please take a moment at the church to fill out a form or call the office and Christine will fill it out for you.

“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” -Elizabeth Andrew



Kids Christmas Party Recap

Thank you to all who attended our party. We had an action-packed two hours in which we read the Christmas story, made a Christmas tree craft, made gingerbread houses, ate pizza and cake, participated in a Mario Kart tournament and made a snowman ornament!!

Youth Scavenger Hunt

Congratulations to Luke Davies for winning the Youth Scavenger Hunt!  Students were sent Advent letters encouraging them to take selfies around town at 20 specific locations. As a reward for winning, Luke won a $20 gift card to the store of his choice.  He chose Playstation games.  Great job Luke and thanks for participating!!

Adult Faith Formation Class

The Book of Isaiah, Part I with Pastor Frye
The book of Isaiah is not simply a historical record of teaching, but through it, God reveals the overarching vision of his own heart. This vision and prophecy was not just for Isaiah but for all peoples who desire to know the Lord’s vision for all people on earth who reflect his glory. Join us in the Fellowship Hall at 8:45 am for this five week series in January.

Shelly Davies, Director of Education and Outreach

[email protected]; 717-372-9579


St. Seraphim Soup Kitchen

Once a month, St. Luke serves at the St. Seraphim soup kitchen in downtown Chambersburg. Saturday, January 8 is our next day!  The kitchen is open for 3 hours on Saturday morning and we staff the kitchen with three volunteers who make and serve the food to anyone that stops by.  Donations of soup, hotdogs, buns, sliced bread, lunch meat, cheese, chips and cookies are all needed. Volunteers to help staff are also needed.  All training will be provided on the day.  Thank you for considering serving God and our community in this way.  Future dates include January 8, February 26, and April 23. Contact Shelly at for more information.

Reach Out Sunday & Fellowship Time

Invite your friends to worship with us, every Sunday!  But know that on the 2nd Sunday of each month there will be a time of fellowship for all in the Fellowship Hall following worship.  Join us and get to know someone you’ve never spoken with or have always wanted to ask a question to!

Winter Paint Night

Join us for painting, food and fellowship.  No experience necessary! Tuesday, January 25 at 6:30 p.m., be led step-by-step through the process of painting a winter scene. Attendance is free and we encourage you to bring your friends and family. A sign-up sheet is available on the bulletin board or by contacting Shelly. A donation basket will be available to help with the cost of supplies should you wish.

Congregation, Council, Committees

Council Highlights November 2021

  • The annual congregational meeting will be immediately following the Sunday morning service on January 23, 2022.  Along with electing new council members we will vote on a constitutional change.
  • The Finance committee presented the 2022 Spending Plan which was approved by council and will be presented for congregational approval at the annual meeting.
  • The giving in October was down by 0.072% as compared to the same period in 2020.
  • Approximately 70 Power Packs will be prepared in early December.
  • Church members continue to support the St. Seraphim Center (Soup Kitchen) with food donations.  Future dates are:  January 11, February 26 and April 23.  Additional volunteers, to help serve on a Saturday, would be greatly appreciated.  Contact Shelly at church for additional information.
  • The Communications committee is continuing to update the website.
  • The search for a Choir Director continues.  If anyone knows of a potential candidate, please pass the information to the church office.
  • The Property Committee has obtained quotes for upgrading the parking lot lighting.  Property is also working on a suitable and cost effective arrangement for the electronic sign.
  • The Finance Committee presented a recommendation to change Council spending limits.  This would involve a change to the constitution and will require congregational approval at the annual meeting.
  • St. Luke continues to work with St. Paul Lutheran Church in Fayetteville to assist them during this difficult time in their organizational life.
  • The Council continues to receive communications from the Covid-19 Task Force and sets Sunday services and building use according to their recommendations.

Social Ministry Initiative

Saving those alkaline batteries, rechargeable batteries, hearing aid batteries, and others? Wondering what to do with them? Want to help lessen the way we pollute our earth?

Keep some of those harmful chemicals hiding in batteries from going into landfills. January at St. Luke is the time and place to get rid of those household batteries. Containers for batteries will be in the far hallway starting in January.  We’ll be partnering with local businesses to recycle the batteries you donate.  Thanks for the part you will be doing in helping preserve our earth.


Visit our online calendar for the most current updates to meetings, events, and services.


2695 Luther Drive, Chambersburg, PA 17202
[email protected]

Facebook: @StLukeChburg

Instagram: @stlukechburg

Twitter: @stlukechburg

Web: StLukeChambersburg.org