January 2023 Cross Connection
A Letter from Pastor Frye
Dear Family and Friends of St. Luke,
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
(Lamentations 3:22-23, NIV)
Each year in anticipation of the annual congregational meeting all the various committees, organizations, and staff members of the church prepare an annual report. The purpose of this report is to communicate and inspire. What is to be communicated is a summary of activity from the previous year. What is to be inspired is a willingness to engage in ministry together in year ahead.
Now, some may see the production of an annual report as simply a way to fulfill the expectations of the Lower Susquehanna Synod or the Churchwide organization, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. However, I see annual reporting as an opportunity for intentional and honest review and assessment of our life together. How are we doing? What challenges to we face? What is God calling us to do in the future?
Our Annual Congregational Meeting is later this month, Sunday, January 22 following our morning worship service. Beside reviewing the annual report, we will be holding elections for members of church council as well as voting members to the Lower Susquehanna Synod Assembly. In addition, we will be considering the 2023 Spending Plan that will be presented by the Church Council.
On Saturday morning, January 28, a Leadership Retreat is being held at the church for all elected leaders and others who serve in positions of leadership in various capacities. The focus of our time together that morning will be Stewardship. Far more than just a name of a committee or a tactic to fund ministry, stewardship is wholistic. Stewardship is our response to the gospel in all areas of our life. Stewardship is the fruit of our faithfulness made possible by what God has first done for us in Christ Jesus.
I’m looking forward to the emphasis on Stewardship in the months ahead. As we enter into this new year together, I encourage all of us to not only review the year just concluded, but also to consider what the new year may hold. I believe we can still embrace the future with boldness and hope. God’s faithfulness is new every morning!
In Christ’s love for you!
Pastor Frye
You can view or print this month’s newsletter with graphics by clicking here.
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Sundays and Special Days
Jan.1: Name of Jesus; Today we pray that the mind of Christ, whose name we bear, would be our own. It is a good way to begin, again, another year.
Jan. 6: Epiphany of Our Lord; The feast of Epiphany (“manifestation”) concludes the Christmas season with a celebration of God’s glory revealed in the person of Jesus Christ
Jan. 8: First Sunday after Epiphany; In the waters of the Jordan, Jesus is revealed as the beloved Son of God.
Jan. 15: Second Sunday after Epiphany; He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and the one anointed by the Spirit.
Jan. 22: Third Sunday after Epiphany; Jesus begins his public ministry by calling fishers to leave their nets and follow him.
Jan. 29: Fourth Sunday after Epiphany; In baptism we find our blessed identity and calling in this countercultural way of living and serving
Sunday Worship Services
10 a.m. every Sunday; In-person and online
Wednesday Healing Service
We have a weekly service of Prayer, Healing, and Holy Communion every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. This simple service is a great way to connect with a smaller group of people in a supportive environment.
Wednesday Prayer Service
Prayer & Share starting at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays. You can get the link in the announcements or on the homepage of the website.
Epiphany Vespers
Friday, January 6, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.
Followed by undecorating the church and cookie fellowship
Parish Records
Funeral for Christina Bemus was held Saturday, December 10, 2022
New Members
We will be receiving new members into the church on February 19. If you or someone you know is interested in joining or just finding out what we’re about, contact Pastor Frye or Shelly Davies.
Annual Congregational Meeting
Annual Congregational Meeting following worship, Sunday, January 22, 2023.
St. Luke Directories
We have a new Church directory. If you haven’t already picked yours up, please stop in and pick up your Directory.
Card Showers
If you’d like to request a special card shower for a special someone, please reach out to the office at St. Luke!
Adult Faith Formation
Upcoming Adult Faith Formation
Everyone is invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall at 8:45 a.m. each Sunday!
January 1 No Faith Formation Classes
January 8, 15, 22 & 29 Lectionary Study
February 5 Camp’s Not Just for Kids! – Special guest speaker, Michael Youse, will share about the ministry of the Lutheran Camping Corporation, focusing on adult programming.
February 12 Special guest speaker AnneMarie McCollum-Begley, counselor from Scotland Elementary, will join us to share about the impact that our PowerPack program (weekend meals) has on the children.
February 19 Pastor Frye will share about his trip to the Christian Community Development Association conference last autumn.
February 26 – April 2 40 Days of Giving Lenten Study
For this year’s Youth Christmas party, we took a van load of kids and adults on a drive thru tour, where we visited Christmas Displays. Followed up with Ice Cream and Hot Cocoa. A huge, Thank You to Forrester’s Dealership for the use of the van.
The Lower Susquehanna Synod’s 30th anniversary of Winterfest happens this January. The high school youth event will take place in Lancaster over Epiphany weekend, and we are excited to attend. Look for a follow-up will be in next months’ newsletter!
St. Seraphim Soup Kitchen
Each month, three volunteers from St. Luke, staff the St. Seraphim Soup Kitchen. We serve three hot soups, sandwiches, hotdogs, chips, sweets, and coffee or juice to anyone who needs it. We’d love your help! You can help by donating food items on the Friday before service, or by joining us at the kitchen to cook and serve. Contact Shelly Davies for more details. Our dates of service for the first third of the year are January 14, February 25, & April 15.
Hats, Gloves, & Scarves
During the month of January, we will be collecting hats, gloves, and scarves to donate to St. Paul in Fayetteville and 1st Lutheran in Chambersburg. They will be giving away the items to those in need throughout the winter. Please drop off any used or new items in the box near the Keypad door.
Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday
Dig out your favorite sports jersey and start collecting your change now for our annual Souper Bowl of Caring collection on February 12. Souper Bowl of Caring is based on the premise, “What if everyone watching the Super Bowl donated $1 towards hunger?” Our collection will go to help a local foodbank.
Wear your favorite sports team jersey to church, we’ll collect the change in soup pots during worship (the more change the noisier!), and then join us for 2nd Sunday Fellowship after worship with fun ‘football themed’ foods.
2nd Sunday Outreach & Fellowship
Remember we have “Second Sunday” monthly and it’s a great time to share your faith with your friends, family and neighbors.
Congregation, Council, Committees
-The nominating committee has provided three candidates for nomination to church council, they are Velegai (Vee) Beyan, Joy Shinn (second Term) and Richard Foster.
-Nominations for council will be opened to the congregation two (2) weeks ahead of the annual meeting, and also at the meeting. Persons nominating a candidate are asked to have the permission of that candidate.
-Acceptance of an updated model constitution from the ELCA will be voted on at the annual congregational meeting.
-A council approved constitutional change will also be voted on at the annual meeting.
-The annual congregational meeting date is Sunday, January 22, 2023, immediately following the 10:00 am service.
-Regular giving for November was up 7.89%.
-“Year in Review” video will be displayed on the monitors prior to the church service.
Calling All Stephen Ministry Candidates
Several members of the congregation at St. Luke have expressed an interest in joining us in this practical and spiritual journey to become a Stephen Minister. How do you know if this ministry is right for you, right now?
For some people who have long wanted to become a Stephen Minister, now is the right time…a perfect alignment of time commitment and opportunity for training. For others, this is the first time they heard about Stephen Ministry, but the calling of a new ministry is powerful.
Whether the idea to become part of Stephen Ministry has been percolating for years, or if it’s a new thought, the time is now! The opportunity to help one person at a time by listening, loving, and letting the Holy Spirit work through you, is profound and humbling. It is also totally possible with the tools you learn in Stephen Ministry classes.
Visit our online calendar for the most current updates to meetings, events, and services.
2695 Luther Drive, Chambersburg, PA 17202
[email protected]