October/November 2023 – Reformation Cross Connection
A Letter from Pastor Frye
Dear Family and Friends of St. Luke,
As I write this letter, we expect an event on Saturday, September 30, to be held on Luther Ridge campus at the Fleck Center. The event is envisioned as a gathering of representatives from of all the ELCA congregations of the Chambersburg Conference. It is being facilitated in cooperation with the Lower Susquehanna Synod to intentionally address the opportunities for collaboration, cooperation, and consolidation among the congregations of our conference.
To be more faithful stewards of God’s gifts to us, we will have to cultivate an openness to acknowledge our current challenges in our broader community and a willingness to submit to God’s will for our life together as the Body of Christ. We are called to witness to the hope, restoration, and resurrection of our lives. That involves growth and it necessitates change. But do not be afraid! That is a frequent message from Jesus to the disciples in times of anxiety, uncertainty, and growth. May we all receive it with gratitude and faith.
I would also like to remind you of two new ministries that are in the works. First off, a bible study is being held on the First and Third Tuesdays of each month at 11:00. Whether you are new or experienced, you are welcome to participate. Spending time grounded in God’s Word together can only encourage growth in grace and a strengthening of faith in Jesus, the Christ of God.
On Wednesday, September 20 a potluck dinner was held in the fellowship hall to kick-off Grounds for Hope: A Recovery Fellowship. This gathering is for people in search of growth, healing, and recovery. Through bible study, reflection, discussion, prayer, and fellowship, those in the recovery community (new or experienced) will gather on the third Wednesday of each month for an intentional time of recovery of hope in Christ. If you or anyone you know struggles with addiction, please consider becoming part of Grounds for Hope!
Finally, as we turn toward the last months of the year may we remind ourselves of our duty and delight to offer our thanks and praise to God. While weekly public and corporate worship may be the most obvious way for us to do this, each of us would do well to cultivate our own individual life of prayer and meditation. I know I rely heavily on a daily routine of encountering God in times of devotional reading and prayer and meditation. What are some ways you cultivate your spirituality and allow your faith to be nurtured? If you would like to discuss this sometime, let me know. I am happy to meet you.
In Christ’s love for you,
Pastor Christopher Frye
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Sundays and Special Days
October 1 * 18th Sunday after Pentecost; Jesus’ parable about two sons who don’t do what they say reveals surprises in the reign of God.
October 8 * 19th Sunday after Pentecost; For Christians, the vineyard also speaks of God’s love poured out in the blood of Christ, given to us for the forgiveness of sin. Baptism: Henry Asher Stiles Horton; 2nd Sunday
October 15 * 20th Sunday after Pentecost; In Isaiah we are given a vision of the great feast to come, when God will wipe away death forever.
October 22 * 21st Sunday after Pentecost; Created in the image of God, we offer our entire selves in the service of God and for the sake of the world.
October 29 * Reformation Sunday * 22nd Sunday after Pentecost; We are called not only to love God with heart, soul, and mind, but also to love our neighbor as ourselves.
November 5 * All Saints Day * 23rd Sunday after Pentecost; All Saints celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who are the body of Christ.
November 12 * 24th Sunday after Pentecost; Today the prophet Amos calls for justice to roll down like waters. New Members Reception; 2nd Sunday
November 19 * 25th Sunday after Pentecost; Jesus tells the parable of the talents, calling us to use our gifts, while we still have time, for the greater and common good.
November 26 * Christ the King * 26th Sunday after Pentecost; On this final Sunday of the church year our gospel is Jesus’ great story of judgment.
Sunday Worship Services
10 a.m. every Sunday; In-person and online
Wednesday Healing Services
We have a weekly service of Prayer, Healing, and Holy Communion every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Service
Wednesday Prayer & Share
Hi St Luke family! Manda, Brayden and baby Za’Riah here. We wanted to send a note to all of you guys with the biggest thank you from our little family. Without each and every one of you, we wouldn’t have made it. You guys have showered us with so much love and care. We have never had that before, we will always remember how much our church family has done for us mentally and physically. Thank you all for believing and standing with us. You guys have given us so much faith! We are amazed by this congregation’s generosity of spirit. We will be visiting very soon!
2 Samuel 2:6 “May the LORD now show you kindness and faithfulness, and I too will show you the same favor because you have done this.” Manda, Brayden & Za’Riah
Update: Manda, Brayden and Za’Riah are living in an apartment now and Brayden has a full-time job. Za’Riah is already 8 weeks old!! We were able to fully furnish their house with items from the Chambersburg Conference furniture ministry, a few items from Facebook Marketplace, and your wonderful donations! Thank you for all your help getting this family into a safe place together.
Card Showers
If you’d like to request a special card shower for a special someone, please reach out to the office at St. Luke!
Prayer Requests
Confidential prayer requests can be made online: stlukechambersburg.org/connect
Adult Faith Formation
Get ready for a full fall of Adult Faith Formation. In September and October, we will make our way through some of the Psalms. November will be a time of focus into Romans and Advent will bring some time studying the book Advent Conspiracy. Look for more information to come!
Tuesday Bible Study
A new Bible study started on Tuesday, September 19th at 11:00 AM in the church library. Thereafter we will gather on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 11:00 AM for this lectionary-based study, discussion, and fellowship. Drop in as you are able. No experience is necessary! Just bring your bible and a willing heart. (If you do not have a bible, one will be provided.) Led by Pastor Frye.
Grounds for Hope
A recovery fellowship group will meet for a potluck dinner followed by a time of bible study, reflection, discussion, prayer, and fellowship. Third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Led by Pastor Frye.
Fall Campfire Evening
All children, up through age 18, and their parents are invited to join us Sunday afternoon, October 22 @ 4pm for a time of fall-themed games, a barbecue, and campfire. Bring a side dish to share and a camp chair. Meat and s’mores will be provided. This will take place at Shelly’s house – address is available on the sign up on the bulletin board at church or by contacting Shelly.
College Fellowship Dinner
Mark your calendars for a catered dinner to be held at the church for all college-aged adults, Thursday, December 28 @ 6:00 p.m.
Road to Freedom

All are invited to join us October 15 @ 3:00 p.m. at St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran in Fayetteville (44 E. Main St. Fayetteville, PA 17222). Come hear Janet Pollard of the Franklin County Visitors Bureau share about the black history of Franklin County.
Adopt-a-PowerPack Kid
The cost of providing weekend food for local kids has risen. In order to continue providing nutritious meals for over 100 kids weekly, we are asking members of St. Luke to pledge $40 a month/child during October, December, February, and April during the 2023-2024 school year. For HIPPA reasons, you won’t know who your adoptee is, but rest assured that you are helping a child in grades K-5 at Scotland, Fayetteville, or Guildford Hills Elementaries to not return to school each Monday on an empty stomach. Make your check out to St. Luke with PowerPacks in the memo. Thank you for continuing to support this important program.
Congregation, Council, Committees
A Task Force from St. Luke had their initial meeting with a similar group from St. Paul Fayetteville on July 31st to discern next steps in our relationship.
The Chambersburg Conference of Lutheran Churches will hold a Collaborative Ministry Retreat on Saturday, September 30 at the Fleck Center on the Luther Ridge Campus. The retreat will convene Lay and Rostered leaders from the 19 member churches. The focus of the retreat is to discuss the combining of our efforts and resources to most effectively worship, share the good news and serve our Lord in Franklin County and nearby areas. St. Luke representatives will be: Pastor Frye, Shelly Davies, Lisa Horton, Dudley Gayman, Janet Lundblad, and Bob Huss.
The position of Financial Secretary was accepted by Shelly Davies and Terry Angstadt accepted the Assistant Financial Secretary position. Both were approved by Council. ¨ Security cameras have been installed at the main entrance and keypad doors.
Extensive landscaping has been completed along the north side of the church leading to and around the Memorial Garden. A drip irrigation system was also installed. Four new trees were also installed, two at the Memorial Garden and two near the east entrance to the parking lot.
The Social Ministry & Outreach committees arranged a visit from St. Luke members to share desert and fellowship with migrant workers at Lady Moon Farm.
Approved the purchase of a figurine representing the Holy Family to replace the deteriorating manger scene. Donations can be made to help cover the $2,390. cost.
Giving was up an average of 10% for June and July over the same period last year.
Our mortgage balance stands at $164,135.64.
Our Pentecost Projects are continuing now through the end of Pentecost, November 26. Here is an update of what we as a congregation have accomplished so far:
St. Seraphim - We have purchased and installed a new table with cupboards for storage and a stainless-steel work surface. We have collected cash donations totaling $940.15 as well as a few food items (box for food collections remains in the hallway near the keypad door).
Fruitbelt Farmworkers Christian Ministry - We had a great time with this organization and working with them for our God’s Work. Our Hands. project. We visited the farm, and although things didn’t go as planned, we had a good time of fellowship and food with the workers during their break. In conjunction with St. Paul, we collected items to put together 72 personal care packs and have collected 25 blankets and 25 hoodies/sweatshirts as well. During Pentecost so far we have raised $1005 for FFCM, some of which went to purchasing personal care items.
Lutheran Disaster Response - Unfortunately, the need for this fund has grown over the summer with the wildfires in Maui, earthquake in Morocco, and floods in Libya and many other areas around the world. To date, we’ve collected a total of $1371.24 during Pentecost.
Thank you for your hearts of generosity for these three appeals. Pentecost, and our Pentecost projects, continue through the end of November.
Visit our online calendar for the most current updates to meetings, events, and services.
2695 Luther Drive, Chambersburg, PA 17202
[email protected]